Arthur dan Gwen Club
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posted by MISAforever
1. The Great Dragon makes two separate appearances, but Aithusa is not in either…
2. “Everything I cherished between us, everything we had – it’s gone. That’ll never change”
3. Agravaine learns the hard way
4. “I came back because you’re the only friend I have and I couldn’t menanggung, bear to lose you…”
5. Merlin tells Arthur a very important bedtime story
6. “You and anda alone can restore *** ****’s *****”
7. Old Emrys plays a small, but vital role in the final battle
8. “I’m not long for this world…”
9. Merlin has fresh blood on his hands
10. Arthur is very fond of his new toy
11. Morgana gains a surprising new ally
12. She should have checked under the bed
13. “What happened to anda Morgana? I thought we were friends”
14. “I’m going to enjoy killing you, Arthur Pendragon. Not even Emrys can save anda now”
15. Gwen and Morgana’s confrontation is short and swift
16. “You’ve made it perfectly clear about how anda feel about me and my kind”
17. “**** *** ***** **?”
18. Two characters won’t make it out of the finale alive
19. “So it’s you! You’re Emrys!”
20. Merlin has made a really terrible mistake earlier in this series. One that is going to come cause him trouble in Series 5…

“I’ll cover our tracks, anda keep going” Merlin to Arthur, Gwen, Tristan and Isolde

“So it is you, anda are Emrys” Agravaine to Merlin

“I came back because you’re the only friend I have and I can’t menanggung, bear to lose you” Arthur to Merlin

“Well, well, well, look at you. First anda go back to rescue your servant, and now you’re getting your hands dirty” Tristan to Arthur

“Everything I cherished between us, everything we had, it’s gone” Arthur to Gwen

“The one thing I am not afraid of is death” Gaius to Elyan

“They will have to find themselves a new King” Arthur to Merlin

“I can cover many leagues in the blink of an eye, they shouldn’t be too hard to find” Kilgharrah to Merlin

“You’re destined to be Albion’s greatest King. Nothing, not even this stone can stand in your way. Have faith” Merlin to Arthur

“He fled Morgana; he trembled at the sight of you” Helios to Morgana

“You have shown us that anda fight for what is right and fair” Isolde to Arthur

“I just don’t ever want to lose you” Arthur to Gwen

1. “I’ll cover our tracks! anda keep going – anda keep going!”
2. Arthur is hesitant to leave his only friend behind.
3. Secrets are revealed between Agravaine and Emrys.
4. “Everything I cherished between us, everything we had, it’s gone.”
5. “There’s nothing special about me. I’m just like everyone else.”
6. The moment this episode is named after doesn’t happen the way anda think it will.
7. “There’s only one person who could’ve done this; only one man who could command a dragon.”
8. The confrontation between Morgana, ******, ****** and **** is short-lived.
9. “What did I do to make anda hate me so much?”
10. Four characters die but one of those doesn’t stay that way.

On run from Agravaine's troops, Merlin sneaks away from others - calls the Great Dragon - Aggy's troops toasted sejak his fiery breath - Heroes take refuge in cave tunnels...
Ag & remaining goons follow - so Merlin breaks away from others to create a diversion - he's cornered - but uses his magic to fight off villains.
Ag is stunned - "You have magic!" - realises that Merlin is Emyrs - he tries to pull a blade - incapacitated sejak magic - killed - fuck!
Arthur insists on going back for Merlin - surprising Tristan. The reunited group decide to head back towards Camelot, in hope of finding their friends.
Arthur's faith in himself is failing - Gwen tries to comfort him - but he's turned hard, still angry about her betrayal.
Camelot - Gwaine is snatched away for another fight-for-food - telah diberi only a small wooden sword. Gwaine earns another mouldy loaf, but Gaius is dying.
Arthur still glum - blames himself for baru-baru ini events - "I was a fool - I misjudged everyone."
Merlin summons the dragon for a saat time - Merlin must restore Arthur's faith - he has an idea...
In the morning - Merlin leads Arthur into the woods - tells him the tale of how the Five Kingdoms were born. Claims that Camelot's first King once thrust a sword into a stone - only one worthy to be King can remove it...
Arthur is led to the stone - where Percvial, Leon, knights and other citizens of Camelot are waiting - tracked down sejak the Dragon...
Arthur struggles to remove the sword - M: "You're destined to be Albion's greatest king." - his faith restored - and with a little help from Merlin's magic - Arthur pulls Excalibur from the stone!
Helios reports Agravaine's death / dragon attack to Morgana - M: "This is the work of Emrys."
Arthur prepares to go to war - Gwen watches on - Is: "Never give up hope - Cinta is stronger than anything."
Later that night, Merlin sneaks back to Camelot - uses magic to transform himself into Dragoon.
Incapacitating a guard and stealing his cloak, Merlin reverts to younger self - but Morgana's already caught a glimpse of 'Emrys' - terrified.
Morgana tries to sleep - but Merlin has planted a voodoo doll type thing under her bed. Back in the woods, Tristan and Isolde ask Arthur if they may fight at his side - they are impressed sejak his honour and leadership...
Armed with Excalibur, Arthur leads his army to Camelot. Camelot's forces and the Southron warriors clash - Morgana: " My dear brother... we must welcome him home."
Percival and Leon rescue Gaine, Elyan and weakened Gaius - while Arthur leads assault on takhta room, where Morgana waits. But her magic is useless - thanks to Merlin's doll, her powers have vanished.
Morgana flees - Merlin pursues - while Arthr and co. fight Helios and his men.
Arthur is wounded sejak Helios, Morgana sejak a knight of Camelot. Isolde saves Arthur before Helios can strike killing blow, but Helios strikes her as he falls. Tristan holdes Isolde as she dies...
Gwen confronts Morgana - sword fight. Morgana knocks Gwen's sword to the ground, but magic propels Morgana back - Merlin! Gwen is saved - but Morgana has vanished...
Moved sejak Isolde's sacrifice, Arthur decides to forgive Gwen. He proposes to her again and she happily accepts.
Some time later - Guinevere is crowned Queen of Camelot and the people of Camelot rejoice...
Wounded Morgana retreats to the woods - she collapses - all but dead - but Aithusa arrives - breathes his magical breath - restores her to health. Then flies away...

. First of all... Merlin finally gets to kick some serious ass!

2. "OH, HELLO!"

3. Arthur may not have forgiven Guinevere quite yet...

4. "Are anda calling Gaius a liar?" "No, I'm calling anda an idiot."

5. Merlin's elderly alias Dragoon makes another (brief) return.

6. "My dear brother... we must welcome him home."

7. It's not just the men who draw swords in the finale - prepare for a long-awaited showdown!

8. "I was a fool - I misjudged everyone."

9. The penultimate scene sets up series five nicely, while the final scene is... intriguing.

10. "Into the mouth of Hell it is!"

Outpost Skaro

1. I'll cover our tracks, anda keep going
2. Do I look like an idiot?
3. I can't say I've detected many kingly qualities so far.
4. anda have magic!
5. This is what the Druids call me.
6. You're wrong about him.
7. Come on, Gaius, hold fast...
8. Well, well, well, look at you...
9. Whether I eat atau not, I'm not long for this world.
10. Please, Arthur, I can't forgive myself.

» Who grew up in tunnels?

» Domestic chores will be embraced in the forest.

» Someone will take a dislike to a comparison.

» Bunga will be telah diberi to a lady.

» Merlin has a tale to tell.

» One knight of Camelot will be shirtless.

» Someone will receive aid from above.

» Who still likes to play with dolls?

» Spirits will be raised.

» ‘Never once.’
added by EPaws
Source: lasvegas-lights
added by VampyreFey
Source: @tumblr
added by RosalynCabenson
Source: glenien
added by ellarose88
Source: stupidacorns
added by EPaws
Source: Merlin's Keep
added by EPaws
Source: archaelogist_d
added by EPaws
Source: bbcmerlinconfessions
added by EPaws
Source: Euphoria1001
added by EPaws
added by EPaws
Source: Brightporclain
added by atoz55ok
Source: Me
posted by kbrand5333
Part 2: link

    “Dare,” Arthur mutters in Gwen’s ear, Ciuman her neck.
    “Arthur, we are in the middle of a restaurant,” Gwen protests mildly, pushing his shoulder lightly.
    “We’re not in the middle,” he says smirking at her. “I specifically requested a secluded booth.”
    “I thought anda were being romantic, not perverted,” she says, a smile tugging at her lips now.
    “Po-tay-to, po-tah-to,” he declares, waving his hand dismissively.
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 44: link

    12:28 p.m. finds Arthur sitting on a park bench beside a itik pond. He sets a small shopping bag beside him and glances at his watch.
    “Did anda honestly think I would be late?” a deep familiar voice says, a voice that seems to always sound tired atau irritated.
    “No. New watch. I like looking at it,” Arthur says as the other man sits beside him on the bench.
    “Arthur,” he says.
    “Father,” Arthur says back. Both men stare at the pond, not looking at each...
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 36: link

    Evening gives over to night, and passers-by look with interest through the front windows, mainly at the small group conversing in the leather chairs in the front. Annis has been talking animatedly with Arthur and Gwaine, and the trio make an interesting sight: the older woman, distinguished if a little Bohemian, completely engrossed in conversation with the two punks, who are equally absorbed. Add Guinevere’s sweet form in her red dress, now perched on the arm of Arthur’s chair, his arm around her waist, and people stare as they pass.
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 24: link

    “Gwen, I’m freaking out,” Merlin’s frantic whisper comes through the receiver.
    Gwen sighs. “First, stop whispering. Second, you’ll be fine, I promise. Mr. Gaius is a great person, I promise.”
    “But he’s Will Fucking Gaius, Gwen!”
    “Well, I don’t recommend anda addressing him thusly when anda meet him, but he’s actually very down-to-earth. Not superior atau posh at all. I promise. So breathe.”
    “Okay. Okay. Okay. Leon has ordered me to stay out...
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 23: link

    While Merlin is having his rather stunned conversation with Gaius, the phone rings at Excalibur again.
    “Calling back to yell at me some more?” Gwaine says into the phone, not even bothering with a hello.
    “How did anda know it was me?” Gwen asks, laughing.
    “Because no one rings here before 10 a.m.”
    “I suppose not.”
    “And I suppose anda want to talk to Drag now,” Gwaine says, trying his hardest to sound forlorn.
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 20: link

    “Let’s see if these guys are any good, shall we?” Arthur asks, sliding his new record from its cardboard jaket and paper sleeve, spinning it between his palms as he walks to the stereo.    “Not too loud, though, I’m trying to rest,” Gwen says from her place curled on the couch. Arthur’s brought her a blanket and a decent pillow, and Iggy has curled himself behind her bent knees.
    “Of course not. The bloke upstairs hates it when I play my Muzik too loud anyway,” he says, fitting the record on the...
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added by MISAforever
Source: Gwen et Arthur Une magnifique histoire d'amour Facebook
added by EPaws
Source: bleedy