Arthur dan Gwen Club
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 35: link

    The afternoon of the show, Arthur is pounding lemon drops like they are going out of style. He barely slept the sebelumnya night, even after seeking the comfort of Gwen’s embrace to calm his nerves. Three times. As a result, Gwen slept till nearly nine, but Arthur was still up with the sun, drawing just to pass the time.
    They arrive at the gallery at four. The opening is at seven, but they are anxious and want to make sure everything is perfect.
    “Look, people are already peeking in the windows,” Gwen says when they approach.
    “Guinevere, they’re just walking past, of course they’re going to look in the windows,” he argues, but she can see the boyish grin lurking just below the surface.
    She pulls the handle to find the door locked. “He’s in there, the lights are on,” she says, so Arthur pounds on the door.
    A minit later, Lance comes jogging out and opens the door for them. He hugs Gwen and slaps Arthur companionably on the shoulder.
    “Wow, this looks amazing, Lance,” Gwen says, looking around while Lance locks the door again.
    The paintings are all hung, the massive collage of drawings are hung on a movable dinding in the center of the room. “Wow,” is all she can say. They’ve been matted in white, a five-by-six grid. “It’s so understated and classy, but…”
    “But it still demands attention,” Lance finishes proudly. “Drag, tonight is going to be phenomenal for both of us, mate.”
    “Hmm?” Arthur asks from the other end of the room. He’s found the huge glass bowls filled with various kinds of Kandi and is busy sampling.
    “Arthur, leave the Kandi alone,” Gwen says, turning. “Lance, is there someplace I can put these?” She holds up a pakaian bag containing her dress and Arthur’s clothes for the evening.
    “Yeah, over there,” he points to a door leading to his office and a restroom.
    Two and a half hours later, the last painting has been straightened for the last time, and the exasperated caterer has just left.
    “Arthur, really,” Gwen says when she sees the fare: Miniature versions of pub food. Tiny, bite-sized nuggets of fried ikan with chips that are smaller than normal. Even tiny, bite-sized meat pies and, yes, Twiglets and bowls of nuts.
    “Dear God, anda even got little chili dogs,” she laughs.
    “I think she was going to have my head for that one,” Arthur says guiltily.
    There is a tap at the door, and Lance opens it for Leon and Merlin bringing a portable tap for the lager.
    “Oh, that is it,” Gwen throws up her hands. “Ale instead of champagne. This will certainly be memorable, if only for the food.”
    “What?” Arthur asks innocently.
    “I’m going to change,” she declares, striding to the back.
    “I better go, too,” Arthur says, following.
    “Behave back there,” Lance calls. “I will chaperone if I have to,” he threatens.
    Arthur just waves his hand dismissively, but the thought isn’t entirely… No. She’d never let me anyway.
    Still, watching her change into that dress, he gives it a go anyway, reaching around from behind, cupping a breast in his hand, stroking the nipple as he kisses her neck.
    “No,” she says, but her head is falling to the side despite her protests. She reaches up and caresses his cheek, heat pooling between her thighs. She is just about to give in when reason takes over again.
    “Arthur,” she says, removing his hand and turning now. “We can’t, Love.”
    “Worth a try,” he grins, dropping his head to Ciuman her lips one last time before they are glossed.
    She thrusts a hanger at him. “Get dressed.”

    Freya arrives seterusnya with Phil, and they sertai Merlin and Leon, who have simply stayed. Phil is wearing the black witch skirt that Gwen gave her with a tight black v-neck tee, Freya a simple peasant skirt and blouse.
    “Well, anda two are quite the pair,” Merlin laughs when he sees them. “Day and night.”
    “We noticed that,” Freya says, leaning up to Ciuman Merlin.
    Leon jogs out, having just finished hooking up the tap. “Phyllis, anda look gorgeous, my love,” he declares, leaning down to Ciuman her cheek before leading her to a chair.
    “Thank you,” she says, smiling. He hovers a moment, unsure, so she says, “Go take care of what anda need to do, Lee.”
    Gwen and Arthur come out of the back, and Freya bounds over to Gwen.
    “Darling, that dress is amazing,” she gushes, then notices Gwen’s necklace. “You wore it!”
    “Of course I did,” Gwen says, reaching up to the red Murano glass pendant that Freya brought her from Venice, hanging on a delicate emas chain around her neck. “It matches, anda know,” she grins.
    “Hi Freya, thanks for coming,” Arthur leans over and kisses her cheek.
    “Would not miss it,” she says. “Look at you, all dashing,” she comments, sizing him up in his charcoal trousers and white button-down shirt, left open at the neck.
    “White Suits you, actually,” Lance comments, joining them. “And Gwennie, that dress is fabulous.”
    Arthur arches an eyebrow over at Gwen again that clearly says gay as Lance turns and smiles uncomfortably at Freya. “Hello, Freya.”
    “Lance,” she says. “This is actually really great of you. I’m… impressed.”
    “Does that mean anda forgive me?” he asks.
    “Well, let me see… you’re giving Arthur his own gallery opening, which makes him happy, and that makes Gwen happy. So, yeah, I guess I can let anda live.”
    “Good,” he says, actually looking relieved.
    Gwen laughs, then points at the clock. 6:58. “Um, Lance?”
    “Right. Holy hell, there are people outside already!” He strides purposefully to the door, pausing just a moment to greet the stationary Phil.
    He opens the door and Gwaine is the first one in, a petite blonde on his arm. “Hey, Phil,” he says.
    “Who the hell is that?” she asks.
    “Phil, this is Emma. Emma, my sister, Phyllis.”
    Emma waves.
    “How old are you, sixteen?” Phil asks.
    “Nineteen,” she says defensively. Phil rolls her eyes in disgust. You can do better, Brother.
    “Drag!” Gwaine exclaims hugging him tightly.
    “Hey, Gwaine, Girl of the Day,” Arthur greets them.
    “Emma,” she says.
    “Okay,” he says noncommittally as Gwen walks up.
    “Sparrow, anda look delicious,” Gwaine leers at her.
    “I told anda that anda shouldn’t wear that dress,” Arthur says while she laughs and Emma glowers.
    “Thank you, Gwaine,” she says, looping her arm through Arthur’s. “Hi, I’m Gwen,” she introduces herself to Gwaine’s date.
    “Emma,” she smiles, happy to finally meet someone nice.
    “Have a look around, get a bite to eat,” Gwen says, “I need to mingle, and so do you,” she looks pointedly at Arthur.
    “Yes, ma’am,” he salutes her, grinning as she walks away.

    They see many familiar faces, and, better still, many unfamiliar ones. Gwen’s hati, tengah-tengah leaps to her throat every time she sees Lance put a red sticker on the placard seterusnya to a piece and walk back to the meja with a customer. She catches Arthur’s eye when the first one goes back, someone they don’t know, an older woman who purchases the lake painting.
    “Daddy!” Gwen declares when her father walks in with Ox, clearly straight from the Yard.
    “Hello, Princess,” Tom greets his daughter, hugging her.
    “And Ox, my darling, how are you?” she asks as he picks her up in a hug.
    “Great,” he says, smiling down at her. He spots Arthur and heads over.
    “Gwen, anda look beautiful,” her father says, studying her. “In fact, anda are positively glowing.
    “Um, thanks,” she says.
    “You’re not pregnant, are you?” he asks suddenly, just as Arthur happens to be walking over to greet him. The soalan stops him in his tracks.
    “What?” Gwen asks. “No! Dad!”
    “Sorry, just have to ask,” he shrugs.
    “Pendragon,” he greets Arthur, who found his feet again.
    “Mr. Degrance, thanks for coming,” he shakes hands with the man.
    “Wouldn’t miss it, wouldn’t miss it,” he says. Then he leans over and quietly says, “Well done, Arthur.”
    “Th-thank you, sir,” Arthur says. He looks at Gwen, who is simply beaming. Did I just get approval?
    “Arthur?” Lance calls to him.
    “Oh, sorry, I…”
    “Go,” Tom says. “Gwen can tunjuk me around.”
    Gwen takes her father’s arm and they make a circuit of the room. He is intrigued sejak the painting of the homeless Jeff, its gritty quality appealing to the lawman in him. As predicted, he loves the pensive Guinevere painting. He frowns over Arthur’s kegemaran one, on display but not for sale as agreed, declaring it “uncomfortable” for him to look at, but allowing that it is a beautiful piece of art.
    “And since he’s not selling it, I guess I can take hati, tengah-tengah in the knowledge that your naked back surrounded sejak sheets after doing God-knows-what won’t be hanging someplace… random. atau public.”
    “Dad, really, you’re being ridiculous.”
    He likes all the drawings, and actually seems rather taken with the one of Merlin’s mother. “Who is this?”
    “Merlin’s mum, Hunith.”
    “She’s lovely.”
    Gwen looks at her father. “She’ll probably turn up sooner atau later. Thinks of Arthur as another son, anda know.”
    “Hmm.” They go to the seterusnya piece. “Who is this, now? She’s gorgeous.”
    “Arthur’s twin sister, Morgana.”
    “She looks nothing like him.”
    “She looks like their father, he looks like their mother,” Gwen explains. “She’d be here, too, but she had to be in Rome and couldn’t reschedule.”
    They reach the collage, which Arthur keeps referring to as G30. “Um, anda may not want to look too closely at this one,” Gwen says, standing in front of the one where her backside is showing.
    He scans it quickly and says, “Okay. I’ll take your word.”
    Gwen looks over and sees that Mr. Gaius has arrived, and he’s brought someone along. “Dad, go get some food. My boss just walked in.”
    “All right,” Tom says, kisses her on the cheek, and heads over to the tables.
    By the time Gwen reaches Gaius, Merlin has already found him.
    “Mr. Gaius, I’m so glad anda came!” Gwen says, joining them.
    “Guinevere, anda know I wouldn’t miss it,” Gaius says, and leans over to Ciuman her cheek.
    “Well, thank anda all the same.”
    “Gwen, this is Marcus Ryan,” Gaius indicates the young man with him. He is short and stocky, with lank brown hair. “Marcus, Guinevere Degrance. Your editor.”
    “Oh, um, nice to meet you,” he stammers, clearly shocked at seeing her face to face.
    “Yes,” she says, the look on his face not Lost on her. “I take it anda were expecting me to be bookish and plain? Perhaps even fat?”
    “Um, yes, actually. After the way anda laid into me on the phone, yes, I was,” he admits.
    “Well, anda were definitely wrong, mate,” Merlin laughs.
    “Are anda the artist?” Marcus asks.
    “This is Merlin Emrys. He is a writer as well, Marcus. First book will be published early seterusnya year,” Gaius introduces them.
    Arthur finally makes his way over, popping M&Ms into his mouth. “Mr. Gaius, glad anda could make it,” he says, shaking the older man’s hand.
    “Nice to see you, Arthur,” Gaius greets him, smiling. Arthur notices the way that the young man with Gaius is appraising Gwen, so he puts his arm around her possessively.
    “M&M?” he asks her, then feeds her one. Got it, twerp?
    “After seeing the paintings Gwen has in her office, I had to come and see what else anda had to offer the world,” Gaius chuckles. “Oh, this is Marcus Ryan. And I trust anda know young Merlin already.”
    Arthur laughs. “My whole life; can’t seem to shake him off,” he says. “Marcus, nice to meet you,” he says politely, still giving the hands off vibe.
    Gwen pinches Arthur surreptitiously. Okay, so she noticed.
    Merlin is chatting with Marcus now, and Gaius turns to Arthur, his face a question. “Perhaps anda can clear up some confusion for me, Arthur.”
    “I’ll try,” Arthur answers, unsure of where the old man is heading.
    “Gwen introduced anda to me as Arthur, but everything here says ‘Drag.’ Which is it?”
    “Ah. Drag is just what my mates call me, because I don’t especially like the name Arthur.”
    “Why Drag, if I may ask?”
    Shit. “It’s from my last name, Pendragon,” he says quietly, just loud enough for the old man’s ears to pick up.
    “Pendragon?” he raises his eyebrows.
    “Yes, sir, my father is your friend Uther Pendragon,” Arthur finally admits.
    “Well, he’s lebih of a business acquaintance, but I did not realize he had a son. He does not speak much of his personal life, but I do know he has a daughter.”
    “My sister Morgana. She lived up to his expectations. I did not. So he does not speak of me often, if at all. And that’s why I’m not using my full name for this show. I don’t want people thinking I bought my way in because of my name.”
    “I see.”
    “Especially because I don’t have any money anyway,” he laughs now.
    “Well, I am sorry for your father; he apparently does not know what he is missing,” he declares. “Now. I need to go take a look around and see if I can’t find something to buy,” he winks at Arthur and saunters away, pulling Merlin and Marcus with him.
    Arthur finds Gaius a short time later, standing in front of his bowl of Buah painting. He is smirking, his face amused.
    “You’re the first person who has noticed it,” Arthur whispers to the old man.
    “Truly? Not even Gwen?”
    “I don’t think she looked that closely. I tried to teach her to paint one night, and gave her a bowl of Buah as the subject. I think she’s bitter,” Arthur laughs.
    “I have to have this one. I Cinta it. I keep coming back to look at it, and it makes me laugh every time.”
    “I’ll get Lance.”
    Arthur returns a moment later with Lancelot. “Lance, this is Will Gaius, Guinevere’s boss. He wants this painting.”
    “Pleasure to meet you, sir,” Lance says. “I’m sorry, am I missing something?” he asks, seeing the amused expressions on both men’s faces.
    “Lance, look at the painting. Really look,” Arthur says.
    Lance stares, his eyes poring over it. Finally, he sees it. One of the grapes has a little happy face on it.
    “How on earth did I miss that?” he laughs, reaching into his pocket for his sheet of stickers.
    “Sharp eyes, me. Have to have, in my line of work,” Gaius says with a wink.
    People stream in and out. lebih and lebih red stickers appear. Arthur has to end up tacking a sign to the dinding that says Not for sale beside the painting of Gwen’s back because so many people have inquired after it.
    Hunith is completely mortified but very flattered to have her portrait up. She gushes over the painting of “her two boys,” actually crying a little. Gwen thinks she is just lovely and tries to convince her father to talk to her, but he refuses, actually hiding behind Ox until he feigns tiredness and leaves, but not before buying the single sketch of Gwen’s face, the close-up that Arthur had isolated from the collage.
    Freya comes down with a migraine and apologizes profusely to Gwen and Arthur, but insists that Merlin stay and support his friend. She whispers something in his ear that makes him blush before she leaves, but Merlin will not tell, no matter how much Gwaine threatens. Gwaine’s tarikh gets bored and leaves, pouting furiously when Gwaine hails her a cab and stays behind. Some of the pub patrons come in, and one even manages to buy the creepy doll’s head sketch, declaring it “fucking genius.”

    “These are all of you.” Gwen turns at the voice behind her.
    “I’m sorry?” she asks the woman. She is an older woman, probably in her late fifties, tall and slender, with auburn hair. She is still quite beautiful and is a striking and imposing figure in the center of the gallery.
    “These drawings,” she gestures to the large collage, “they’re all you.”
    Gwen’s cheeks color slightly and she looks down, a bit embarrassed. “Yes, um, they are.”
    “You are his muse?” she asks, but somehow Gwen doesn’t really think it’s really a question.
    “Well, I don’t know about that,” she answers, “I’m his girlfriend.”
    “If anda insist, my dear,” she says archly.
    “I’m sorry,” she apologizes with a little chuckle, “I’m Gwen,” she says, offering her hand to the woman.
    “Annis,” she answers, shaking her hand. “So, Gwen: Tell me the story of these sketches.”
    Gwen exhales heavily. “We had a fight.”
    “Of course anda did.”
    “He was being… unreasonable, and I threw him out of my flat. For the seterusnya four days, this,” she gestures to the sketches, “is what he did.”
    “He drew thirty sketches of you, from memory?”
    “Goodness, no. There are much lebih than thirty,” Gwen laughs. “But yes, they are from memory.”
    “You didn’t call him atau see him for four days after anda tossed him out?” she asks, smiling slightly.
    “Nope. I told him that when he was prepared to be an adult he could call me and I’d think about speaking with him.”
    Annis laughs. “Good girl. These artist types do need a firm hand,” she says knowingly. “I trust he came crawling back, since anda are here now?”
    “Yes, we’re good now, thanks.”
    “How did anda select which ones to use for the collage?”
    “We sorted through them, Ar— I mean, Drag and Lancelot and I, and chose the best and most interesting ones. I had final say over which ones were included, and then we just had to figure out how to put them together to make them look cohesive,” she shrugs.
    “You had final say?”
    “Um, yes, some of the sketches had a… bit lebih of me than the others…” she answers, biting her lip.
    Annis laughs again. “Welcome to the life of being a muse, darling.”
    “I realize that at some point I’m going to have to deal with that, but I’m not quite there yet,” Gwen smiles.
    “I would like to buy this piece,” Annis says simply. “And… three of four others,” she says, eyes scanning the room expertly.
    Guinevere gasps as Annis reaches into her small clutch dompet, beg tangan and produces a card, which she hands to her.
    Gwen takes it with a trembling hand. She’s an art dealer? she thinks as she reads the card. “Thank you, Annis. Come, I’ll take anda to meet Drag.”
    “I would Cinta that, thank you.”
    She ushers the older woman to where Arthur is chatting near the front with Gwaine, Leon, and Phil. Gwaine’s eyebrows rise as Gwen approaches, assessing her mature but beautiful companion.
    “Excuse me, I need to borrow him,” Gwen says, gently taking Arthur’s elbow.
    “Anything for you, Sparrow,” Gwaine says with a wink. He takes a moment to give Annis an appreciative glance before turning away. Phil sighs exasperatedly.
    “Arthur, this is Annis Caerleon. She’s an art dealer, and she’s interested in buying several of your works. Including the collage. Annis, Arthur Pendragon,” Gwen introduces them, and Arthur groan inwardly at Gwen using his full name.
    “Drag,” he corrects, shaking the woman’s hand.
    “Very pleased to meet you, young man,” she says, completely unfazed sejak his unorthodox appearance.
    Across the room, Lance looks up from his conversation with Merlin and Ox. “Excuse me, gents, I need to go sertai that conversation,” he says, motioning to where Arthur and Gwen are talking with Annis.
    Merlin looks. “Okay.”
    “She’s important,” he explains.
    He strides over to them, and Annis spots him. “Lance, darling, so nice to see you!” she says warmly, embracing him and Ciuman both his cheeks.
    “I see you’ve met the man of the hour,” Lance says.
    “Yes, he’s just wonderful. And anda were right; his work is fabulous. I Cinta it, thank anda for inviting me. I’m prepared to buy several.”
    “Really? That’s fantastic!” Lance’s face lights up. “Drag, this woman has contacts in all the major art centers all over the world. Paris, New York, San Francisco, Venice…”
    “I can make sure your work gets seen, Drag.”
    “Wow. Um, wow. That’s… I’m overwhelmed, sorry,” he stumbles over his words, clutching Gwen’s hand in his, his thumb stroking the back of her hand anxiously.
    “I’d like to see the rest of those sketches sometime as well,” she points to the collage. “Your charming little Muse here let the cat out of the bag about there being more.”
    “Muse?” Arthur turns and looks at Gwen, smirking.
    Gwen shrugs. “Her word, not mine,” she chuckles.
    “I think she’s right,” he says, reaching up to touch her face.
    Annis watches them, noting the light in his eyes as he looks down at her, the way her lips part and her breathing speeds up as she looks up at him. They certainly do Cinta each other. I wonder if they know it yet.
    “Arthur,” she chides him gently, “public place, Love.” She gently removes his hand from her face and turns to face Annis and Lance again.
    “They’re always like that. It’s disgusting,” Lance mutters to Annis, grinning.
    “Oh, most certainly. Come, Lance. We have paperwork to do,” she takes his arm and is about to turn, but then stops.
    “Pendragon?” she asks.
    Here it comes, Arthur sighs. “Yes?”
    “Pendragon Pendragon? As in financial wizard Uther Pendragon?”
    “Yes,” Arthur rolls his eyes. “He’s my father, but don’t ask him to admit it.”
    “Hm,” a humorless laugh from Annis.
    “Arthur Pendragon, disgrace of the mighty Pendragon family, at your service, my lady,” he bows with a flourish.
    “I’m sure you’re not, my boy. And if your father doesn’t acknowledge you, it is truly his loss.” She turns and walks to the back of the gallery with Lance.
    Arthur throws his arms around Gwen, enveloping her in a huge tight hug, lifting her off her feet. “Thank you, Guinevere,” he says into her hair.

Part 37: link
added by EPaws
Source: everyonelovesmerlin
added by EPaws
Source: bungkus, balut party
added by HumbleQueen
Source: Merlin's Keep
added by EPaws
Source: allegator
added by EPaws
Source: Yavannauk
added by EPaws
Source: Brightporclain
added by EPaws
Source: themerlineyes
added by EPaws
Source: Brightporclain
added by EPaws
Source: TBA
added by EPaws
Source: Kilrain
added by HumbleQueen
Source: merlinlocations
posted by kbrand5333
Part 9: link

    Gwen looks up from her laptop at the sound of the door opening and closing. Arthur’s back. She grins but stays put, listening as he locks the door behind him, drops his laptop bag on a dapur chair, and walks back to the bedroom, the hard soles of his dress shoes clicking on the wooden floor.
    “Hey,” he says softly from the door. “Sorry I’m late.”
    “I heard about the pile-up on the motorway,” she says, smiling up at him as he crosses to her and kisses her. “But thank anda for calling, too.”
continue reading...
posted by kbrand5333
Part 8: link

    I have a convention on Thursday. Gwen looks down at the text she’s just gotten from Arthur, and remembers his “plus-one” threat.
    Oh, no.
    Don’t worry, you’re safe. Not a plus-one kind of thing.

    “What’s up?” Merlin leans over and peers over her shoulder.
    “Arthur has a convention to go to Thursday.”
    “Sounds scintillating,” Merlin says, making a face.
    It’s in Dublin. I’ll...
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Here is the issue I am having and have been having for weeks. I don't believe Arthur dies in the conventional sense. I know, weird as that sounds. I simply don't for various reasons I will not go into, most of them are fiscal and having a kind of understanding. Yeah, I will leave it there. So don't bother asking lol. I hate repeating myself, ask HQ lol. One thing that irritates the crap out of me are those not prepared to think for themselves. No time for it.

Enough about me.

As to the actual legend, there is no Albion without Arthur and Guinevere actually. Murphy twists it to suit his Queenly...
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Today on tumblr it would seem Why We Cinta Merlin erred again, know how, they put up a convenient poster as to why they Cinta Merlin and left out, wait for it, I know anda can't guess, the Queen, yeah, the one with a moderately higher melanin count. Sooooo surprising. The excuse, and it is an excuse, used sejak the moderator was, again wait, tis so special....they had 2 hours of sleep and they adore, yes, adore Guinevere sooooooo much, but couldn't find her graphic, just the three they like to promote, including on the GAME recently in beta release. Now, someone else in the fandom managed, as difficult...
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 22: link

    There is a decidedly efficient knock at the door.
    George. Great. “Come.”
    The door opens precisely, and George strides in carrying a tray. “Dinner, your majesties,” he declares proudly, as if it was he who was slaving over the ovens all afternoon.
    “Thank you, George, just leave the tray on the meja, jadual and anda may go,” Arthur says casually, waving his hand in the direction of the table. Gwen appears in the doorway separating the two parts of their chambers, fresh from her bath,...
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 19: link

    “So Arthur, I am curious. If you’ll pardon such a personal question, how is it that anda chose to marry a maidservant?” Prince Allard asks as they eat their breakfast.
    “Not at all,” Arthur says, chuckling. “To be honest, it is nice to have someone soalan my decision based on curiosity rather than contempt.”
    “He is lobbying to be allowed to marry for Cinta rather than politics as well, my lord,” Annis says with a smirk, looking sideways at her eldest.
    “Aha…” Arthur...
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Now, I visit my tumblr about four times per hari for supplies and amusing convos with a few people I rather like a great deal, but something came up on my dash that pissed me off to no end. No, this is not a point for jokes and laughter this crossed the line.

I am not a prude. I am so far from a prude anda could not imagine, but there has to be a freaking line where the humour stops and anda realize anda are dealing with human beings.

Don't encroach!

As it is the ARWEN spot, I thought I could talk about my pissitude here. Again, I will take this down if anyone doesn't get where I am going here from...
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posted by kbrand5333
Okay, kids, we all know that Gwennie isn't going to return to Arthur unless her conscience is clear. And that means finding the damn bracelet. So these 2 possibilities came into my head this morning, so I wrote them down for anda all. They're probably nowhere near what will actually happen, as usual, but I have to get these things out of my brain atau I do not sleep.

    Leon enters the council chambers. "Excuse me, Sire."
    "Yes, Sir Leon, what is it?" Arthur is sitting with Agravaine at the table. Merlin standing behind, off to the side.
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