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Is there a way to choose/make sure that "related clubs" are actually related?

I created a new spot recently and have noticed that none of the listed "related clubs" are relevant. There are come Kelab that would be perfect - how do I get these on the senarai instead?
 littleleftfield posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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Fanpop Jawapan

Eline_K said:

I believe the related Kelab are chosen sejak the Kelab other peminat-peminat in your club have in common. So for example if a lot of peminat-peminat of a certain TV tunjuk are also peminat of the lead actor of that tunjuk it is likely that club will appear under the related clubs. However sometimes, for example when a club doesn't have many fans, atau the club doesn't really have Kelab that are related to the topic, the Kelab that do appear don't really have anything to do with the topic of the club.

Hope this helped,

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posted hampir setahun yang lalu 
i think its related Kelab in the same category atau alternate category given. so a club in "couples and shipping " will probably have OTHER couples& shipping spots rather than the TV tunjuk they are on- unless the creator of the club also gave the alternate "television" when they made the club. but this is speculation
germany123 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
How I Cinta fanpop-mysteries :)
Eline_K posted hampir setahun yang lalu
I KNOW! its like the medal mystery..mad men has "the simpsons" and "greys anatomy" in the related clubs..well i guess they ARE also TV shows :P
germany123 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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