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It's all about the moneh, baby!



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Ok, I seriously have _nothing_ against Robert, and honestly, I feel sorry for him. But I'm really starting to worry about the New Moon movie. I'm worried that they're gonna leave out just a bit too much Jacob just to squeeze in Edward... Am I being paranoid???
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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i am a team jacob fan and this is really upseting. i am afraid that people are just going to go just to see robert and not fully aprreciate the work taylor would have put into new moon.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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and they will... and i fear it's gonna be ruined...
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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awww :(
poor robbie
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Iris_Lunacy u r NOT paranoid!!! GAH!! I can't believe they can fly down to Italy to shoot but they can't let Taylor have his time in the sun. He worked the hardest out of all the cast members to keep his role; shouldn't he at least get what he deserves in this movie? Now I wouldn't mind a few flash backs to Edward wallowing in agony somewhere but like 3 and that's it!!! The rest has to be ALLLL Taylor and Kristen or I'll be so mad! And I thought the new director will be good but not if he's going to rewrite the script of the book we love (New Moon is my 2nd fave in the Saga) just for a few stinkin $$!!!!!!!!!
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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I feel your anger, mrsblack_1089! It wouldn't be --fair-- to Taylor and Jacob, 'cuz the whole book was about JACOB and Bells, so the movie should be too!!!
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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this makes me very mad cuz the whole book is about jake and bells. but no they just have to put more ed in it didn't he already have his tome to shine. cuz i mean cuz there sopossed to show the love and feeling between jake and bella but how are they going to do that when theres ed in the way i mean really cuz im team jake 4 life. really cuz Taylor has been working his butt off to keep the role if Jacob and there just going to let all that work go down the drain. thats not fair to Taylor TEAM JACOB FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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the entire book is supposed to be about the relationship between jacob and bella; and that is EXACTLY what should be in the movie. they can't go screwing around with the script. even some edward fans want to see lots of jacob in the movie. they need to stay true to the book. period.

and besides, taylor deserves to be the star in new moon. he has worked his ass off to become the werewolf jacob and he should be able to show us what he's got.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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pkrebelde said:
omg i cant beleive this!!! why that is all i can say why??? as i said once it's our turn (jacob fans) to see favorite character this is so unfair for us and taylor!!
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.