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The Happy Smiley Test



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NatyLy said:
You Are Energetic
You may seem scattered to those around you, but there is a method to your madness.
You are good at juggling many balls in the air. You definitely know how to multitask.

You are driven and motivated. You crave success, and you always follow your dreams.
You make responsible decisions, and you can be counted on in a crisis. You have your head screwed on straight.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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Costa said:
You Are True
You make everyone around you relax. You just have a naturally easygoing vibe.
You are completely genuine, and you appreciate every person's unique gifts.

You love life, and you are quite content. When you smile or laugh, you mean it!
Friends consider you to have a good heart, and for you, there is no higher complement.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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You Are Positive

You are the likable type. It would be hard not to like someone as sunny and upbeat as you!
You are actively engaged in the world around you. You don't stray too far from your friends.

You try to make every moment fun, and you refuse to let life get you down. You savor a good chuckle.
You are attracted to people who are excited about life. You like to surround yourself with joy.

posted hampir setahun yang lalu.