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What Color is Your Life's Path?



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NatyLy said:
Your Life's Path is Magenta
You seek novelty and a full life. You love to experience as much as possible.
You believe it's important to never get stuck in a rut. You like to break out of patterns and routines.

You are a non-conformist. You like to surround yourself with beauty, but you may have a different idea of what's beautiful.
You see the good in others, and you want everyone to do their best - including you.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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ruby1000 said:
Your Life's Path is Magenta
You seek novelty and a full life. You love to experience as much as possible.
You believe it's important to never get stuck in a rut. You like to break out of patterns and routines.

You are a non-conformist. You like to surround yourself with beauty, but you may have a different idea of what's beautiful.
You see the good in others, and you want everyone to do their best - including you.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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emmett said:
Your Life's Path is Silver
You seek insight and wisdom. You are always digging a little deeper.
You believe it's important to search for meaning in everything you do. You ponder and reflect often.

You are very verbally expressive. You are a natural writer, and words just flow from your pen.
You are adventurous. You welcome new opportunities and change. You are afraid of stagnancy.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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Your Life's Path is Turquoise

You seek balance and serenity. You are happiest when the seas you are sailing are calm.
You believe it's important to be the person you are, even if others judge or alienate you for it.

You speak directly from your heart, and you love to share your deepest thoughts, dreams, and emotions.
You are confident and self-sufficient. You have high self esteem, and you love who you are.

posted hampir setahun yang lalu.