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posted by TeamRosalieHale
18: Home

The hari was nearly over, sejak now they had reached their destination: Springfield, Illinois. Several times the carriage had stopped, Tristan leaving for short periods of time, always returning silent, the carriage marched on. He had retired when they were almost in Illinois, coming upon the border between Iowa and Illinois. David had remained with Jack and Rosalie, though he kept to himself, For Whom the loceng Tolls had been replaced with A Tale of Two Cities. Eventually though he too went to his room, leaving Jack and Rosalie alone.
They were on the couch, Rosalie’s head on Jack’s chest, right where his hati, tengah-tengah should have been beating. It was comforting-laying like this she felt like she was home. She couldn’t even begin to recall the numerous times they had been like this-entwined in each other, feeling his body under hers, listening to his steady breathing, the pulsing of his heart. It was in these times when she could be inhibited and carefree, whether she wanted to laugh hysterically, cry and have fits; she knew she could do so there with no judgment. There, where the sun beat down upon them, the rumput younger than them, the ocean in front of them centuries older. There, where there was no eyes watching, no lips gossiping. There, where they could Cinta without restrictions.
There, where they could be free.
She turned her head ever so slightly so she could see his face. His eyes were open, looking up at the ceiling; a crease in his eyebrows told her that he was thinking very hard about something-something he did not like at all.
“What?” she asked him. “What’s wrong?”
Silence answered her at first. She heard him take a breath before he berkata “I think we should wait.” She turned the words in her mind, sitting up on him, looking at him.
“Wait? What are anda talking about?”
“Wait until you’re healed. Emotionally, I mean.”
She climbed off him, standing, her arms crossed over her chest, looking down at him. “I’m fine. And once we’re mortal and married I’ll be perfect.”
He sighed and stood as well, though she simply turned her head up to see his face. “You may think you’re fine now, but what happens when we’re human again? When we feel all the human emotions again? tunjuk them again?”
She looked at him, her eyes narrowed in dangerous slits that made him back away. “I know what I want. Grieve? Been there, done that. The only time I needed to grieve was when I Lost you-and that hadn’t stopped until I saw anda again. Yes, part of me hurts for what I’ve Lost and despite the years Emmett…” Her sentence was cut short but a loud snarl from Jack. She looked at him, a bemused and slightly unnerved smile on her lips. “And I had, it paled in comparison to what we had, no matter how brief it may have been. I’ll take whatever pain comes but you’re worth it.”
He rolled his eyes at her bravado, wanting nothing lebih than to grab her and shake her, hoping it would jar her out of this place she was in. “I Cinta you, Rosalie Lillian Hale and because I do, I’m going to promise the following to you: marry you, father your children, protect you, Cinta you, cherish you, but I still think anda need to grieve first.”
She scowled at him. “Did anda hear anything I said?”
“Yes. Did anda hear anything I said?”
“Isn’t that what anda want?”
“Yes-with anda and lebih than anything.”
“Fine. Then do as I ask and I will be your slave.”
She stepped closer to him, her eyes wider now and somehow even lebih dangerous. “You want me to grieve? To get over my loss?”
“Yes, lebih than anything” he practically whispered.
She smirked and kissed him gently, pulling him on the couch, so he was over her. He instantly stopped, making her sigh. “You’re impossible.”
“No Rose anda are. I tell anda to grieve and anda seduce me?”
She shrugged and he just looked at her. “I’m sorry” she finally said, looking at him. He looked at her and sighed, his head falling to his chest. “What?”
“When did everything get so damn complicated? Remember when we were younger and everything was so much simpler. Well, simpler than it is now.”
She nodded her head wistfully saying “yes, I know what anda mean. It was a far easier time than where we stand now.”
“It wasn’t just the time; it was the way we were around each other. Well, once but…”
“Jack, I know I will feel pain for what I have Lost but I will be ok. I can’t wait to marry you, can’t wait to have our first child growing inside me. I know this is right. anda do too. Maybe anda can’t see it but the only time I feel selamat, peti deposit keselamatan and complete is when I’m with you. Being with anda feels good. Home”
He looked at her, his body was reacting in a strange way to the way she had berkata our child…It wasn’t necessarily a bad feeling but it was definitely different. And he liked it. He cocked his head, looking at her still. “First child?”
She smiled. “Did anda really think I wanted to stop at one?”
He took a breath and sighed though once again from euphoria, not pain. Not even in his wildest dreams-and they got beyond wild at many points-had he thought that this conversation would happen, that Rosalie would be so close that he could touch her. She looked at him, again worried. “I’m fine…Just can’t believe this is real.”
“I know. Surreal.”
He chuckled and gently kissed her, pressing her body closer to his. “Now who’s seducing who?”
He laughed again. “Oh this isn’t seducing.” She smiled and kissed him once lebih before she lay back on him, her head going right back to its original position. She felt his body relax, one arm weaving through her hair, the other holding her hand tightly. Yes, this was home.
“Let’s just start with one and maybe work our way up.”
She laughed. “You say that now.”
He kissed the bahagian, atas of her hair and she closed her eyes. “Never leave me” she whispered.
“Never ever.” He sealed the promise with a deep, passionate Ciuman that made time stand still and the Bidadari in heaven looked down and cheered.
posted by TeamRosalieHale
17: Wheel in the Sky

Dying is not what most people think it is-nothing flashes before your eyes, there’s no white light atau what have you. The only thing I felt was pain, the blood flowing through my baju and fingers, making them sticky and beginning to form a kot on my clothes. I couldn’t see much beyond the few feet in front of me, the sun had long such set and darkness had fallen on pantas, swift wings. There was one sound: my blood pulsing like it was right in my ears. Eventually I made it to the rumput bukit where I fell, too weak to walk another step.
While I lay there, certain I was destined...
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Don't anda think this would be a perfect song for Rosalie? Except she isn't a mother, sadly.
jalang, perempuan jalang
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An upsetting video :,(
Rosalie Hale
Muzik video
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added by Asia_04
added by Asia_04
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