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 'Eclipse' Press & Premiere in South Korea
'Eclipse' Press & Premiere in South Korea
Taylor Lautner
Kristen Stewart
added by amandajoyce17
Source: A.J.L
added by Cittycat19
added by Zeisha
added by Kaidi
added by neeki
posted by WritenOnTheSand
I sit on the sofa, kerusi panjang with a hint of boredom. I pull back my baju and see the bump on my stomach. I did notice it before, but just thought I was getting fat.

I rub my fingers across my stomach, and try to picture the little boy in my womb.

I could try to come up with a name for him. that would give me something to do.

"hey Jake." I shout into the seterusnya room.

"What?" he walks into the room with a wrench in his hands.

"What do anda want to name him?" I look at his face and see little interest.

"I don't know, namings not really my thing."

"What, are anda saying anda don't want to name our son?" I can...
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posted by a-jforever
This is my new fanfiction. Its a little different to the others i had lalu at writing. But I hope thats a good thing.

Hell had just broken loose. “You can’t see Jacob for a while, anda understand Renesmee?” What on earth was dad talking about why couldn’t I see Jacob.

“WHY?” I screeched


This just wasn’t fair. Jacob had nothing to do with school. My school grades were my responsibilities and if I wasn’t doing as well as I could, then that was up to me to sort out, not Dad. And banning me from seeing Jacob...
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posted by LexisFaith
The seterusnya morning I woke up and gripped the sheets beside of me. Hoping for Jacob all my hand swept across was a small peice of paper. I forced my eyes open and unfolded the paper.

Happy Birthday! I thought we would do something just me and anda for your birthday before your party tonight. Put on your swim suit and meet me at First Beach. Don't forget your sunscreen; it's kind of hot out today.
I Cinta you,

I quickly got up and brushed my teeth. I put on my merah jambu ruffled bikini, the one Alice had insisted I get for those "you and jake" days.
I laughed to my self at how right she was...
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posted by KATYrebekah
Carlisle's P.O.V

"Edward cant keep doing this!" I berkata to Esme. As tough as he was, it was killing me (obviously not literally) to see him hurting. If he didn't get over her now then he would never be able to. Ever since last summer, when Bella ran off with Renesmee and Jacob, Edward had been hurting. He never berkata this aloud of course, but any time he sees a young girl (mostly when they're with child) he flinches - and pain crosses his eyes. Esme berkata this was normal after a break-up, but Bella was the Cinta of his life, and of course Vampires never forget.

"What are we going to do?" I asked...
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posted by whatupiloveyou
Sorry that it has been so long…me and my husband went on a ‘electrical diet’…which is were we couldn’t use anything electric like cell phones atau computers for a week.

Disclaimer: I am not Stephenie Meyer, I don’t own twilight!

Chapter 4: Bella’s POV

The look on my mom’s face told me I should have asked later. Renee was muttering incoherent things. Phil was trying to calm her down. She looked like she was going into shock. “Mom?” I asked. I look over at Edward who was just telling me to relax and stay calm. “Why do...
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posted by smileyfaceddude
I Cinta Twilight so Don't have a go at me please. I know it's a little out there but it will make sense when the story is finished.


“I hate you! anda have ruined everything!” She stared at him with tears in her eyes. Then she stormed off crying.

* * *


“So young one, tell me, the so called werewolf, what did he do that was so bad?” Aro questioned interestedly.
“His name is Jacob and he-nothing much, well nothing at all really. I just over reacted. I’m a drama queen.” I confessed. Aro just tutted at me and shook his head. “Well Renesmee, anda are a little devil aren’t...
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posted by rubytuesday101
this is my first story so please be nice.

My name is isabella angsa, swan but people call me bella.
today i am moving to Forks Washington to go live with my dad charlie.I am moving because my mum René and her husband Phil are going on the road.My dad charlie is the chief of police so everybody will know who i am.The plane has just landed in seatle and the captain says that it is a nice hari but still raining.I am going to miss arizona but i cant thing like that because i will go crazy Forks cant e that bad at least it is safer right?.I step of the plane and there charlie is waitin in his police car.I...
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"NATHAN!" I yelled. I went into my son's room to wake him up. He was the only to sleep during the night. It was really quiet when Eliza was with Lucas and Serena was with Johnson.

The story this time was this : Johnson was my brother. Serena and Nathan were siblings. Lucas was going to be my dad. Eliza was his girlfriend and Serena and Nathan's mother. Lucas was Eliza's 'shoulder-to-lean-on' when her husband died.

"Hey mom..." berkata Nathan waking up and rubbing his eyes. He went and changed his clothes. They walked downstairs where Serena and Johnson were waiting. We all went hunting last week....
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I was shaken up. This is the first time I have been back in Forks since the incident, 93 years. The incident that changed my life.

"Bella are anda sure anda want to leave?" asked Charlie. He was looking like he would burst into tears. It has been a tahun since Edward left me. I already graduated. I am 19. I think it was time to leave. I convinced Charlie not to send me utama before. I hung out with Angela all this time.

"Yes. I Cinta anda Charlie but I must go." I kissed him once again and got on to my plane, on my way to Renee's. She set up my college, and I was going to a pretty good one.

I sat down...
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posted by wanderingk
 How I imagined Elina.
How I imagined Elina.
Renesmee, my cousin, was the jewel of the family. She was the only birth child, and the most beautiful at that. With her glorious auburn hair and chocolate-brown eyes, she was gorgeous. A baby face still, but still gorgeous. She had an amazing gift, and already had a lover, Jacob, who was amazing to her.

Me, on the other hand, was adopted sejak Rosalie and Emmett, and I never knew my parents. My mother was a human, but my father was a vampire. When I was born, my mother had died, and my father left me to die in the woods, where Carlisle found me. He then took me home, and Rosalie fell in love...
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posted by 2468244
book #2 in the Twilight Saga: New Moon

*by Stephenie Meyer*

NEW MOON - preface

I felt like I was trapped in one of those terrifying nightmares, the one where anda have to run, run till your lungs burst, but anda can't make your body alih fast enough. My legs seemed to alih slower and slower as I fought my way through the callous crowd, but the hands on the huge clock tower didn't slow. With relentless, uncaring force, they turned inexorably toward the end - the end of everything.
But this was no dream, and, unlike the nightmare, I wasn't running for my life; I was racing to save something infinitely...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


We were at the school now; Rosalie's tukar, boleh tukar was conspicuous in the parking lot. The clouds were thin today, a few streaks of sunlight escaping through far away in the west.
He got out and walked around the car to open my door. He held out his hand.
I sat stubbornly in my seat, arms folded, feeling a secret twinge of smugness. The lot was crowded with people in formal dressed: witnesses. He couldn't remove me forcibly from the car as he might have if we'd been alone.
He sighed. "When someone wants to kill you, you're Brave as a lion...
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hei Guys it's me again! Here is chapter 4. of Bella Becomes a Vampire! Enjoy!

Chapter 4. Half-Breed

"Yea it's me, I'm guessing Jacob already told anda why I'm like this." Charlie berkata walking towards Billy.
"Yea, I told him everything." Jacob berkata looking at Billy.
"You look like you're doing alright." Billy said, and then he saw me, sejak his expression, I'm guessing Jacob didn't tell him about me.
"Bella?" Billy berkata in shock.
"Yea umm I kinda didn't tell him about anda Bella." Jacob said, his cheeks were getting red.
"Yes, it's me Billy, I'm a vampire too." I berkata trying to keep him calm.
"But why are...
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Hi! I read New Moon and when Bella puts her mortality to a vote. I really didn't like that she was going to wait till after graduaton to become a vampire. So I picked up after everyone says yes, and she goes ahead and gets turned into a vampire. I have writen 3 chapters so far, i'm starting chapter 4. After people read this, and I'm hoping anda all will want the rest. komen below and tell me what anda think! Here it is!

1. A New Life

Carlisle nodded toward me. "The floor is yours." I swallowed. Their gazing eyes made me nervous. Edward took my hand under the table. I peeked at him, but he was...
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i stared up at him his face looked like he was going to go into shock
"even anda jacob black cannot hate me as much as i hate myself"
wrong he thought he was to angry to speak
"killin me now doesnt save her" i berkata quietly.
"so what does?" he asked if i knew i would have done it i would do anything now just to see bella health and well. at any coast i would pay it.
"jacob anda have to do something for me" i alomost begged
"the hell i do" he spat back
"for her?" i kept staring at him
"i did everything i could to keep her away from anda everything its too late"
"you know her jacob anda connect to...
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