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This might only work if you're familiar with the tale of Jason, the Ancient Greek hero, but who gives a crap? Haha, anyways, I was going to enter a Penulisan competition because I figured that it would be a good way to, well, I don't know. BUt Greece was my inspiration coz that's where I'ma going and I was looking at this Greek website that my friend Hanniekins sent me the link to and I was Membaca about the Heroes and stuff and I wrote, well, this.... So yeah... xD

Jason sprinted faster, pushing his muscles to the as he pumped his arms and legs. Behind him, the sounds of his pursuer were getting louder – they were gaining on him. His sword was at his side, but if he stopped to pull it from his scabbard, the manticore – a monstrous creature with the body of a lion, but the face of a man – would be on him in an instant and there would be nothing he could do to stop it.

He was racing across the rugged plains, steadily climbing higher as the landscape steepened. The moonlight rained down before him and behind him, giving him light to see by, but also giving light to the manticore hunting him. He knew, even if he found somewhere to hide, he still wouldn’t be safe. The monster had a sense of smell stronger than all of Jason’s Anjing put together. It could find him anywhere.

There was only one thing to blame for deadly chase through the night – the golden topi keledar clutched tightly in his left hand. That was the fuel of the manticore’s rage, that and the fact that Jason had plucked it so easily from his lair. The topi keledar had been the pride of the manticore’s possessions, a trinket stolen from Jason’s mentor and that Jason was stealing in turn. But Jason preferred to call it ‘retrieving what was already owned.’

Up ahead there was a river, the moon reflected off the water’s surface. Jason didn’t slow, he kicked off the ground and propelled himself across. He landed, rolled once, and was on his feet the seterusnya instant. Behind him, the manticore had skidded to a stop. It was howling its rage and Jason turned to look at it, breathing hard, wondering why it hadn’t leapt after him.

The frightening image of a human-faced lion stared back at him, the sharp clawed paws placed carefully just before the river’s bank, the yellow, cat-like eyes – glinting in the darkness – were set above the short, jagged toothed mouth, and the huge, curved tail spiked with deadly needles that could poison – atau kill – a man stronger than Jason.

The tail twitched, and Jason with it. While he appreciated this small respite, he knew he should always be prepared for anything. The manticore may look tired and completely warn out, but lions were cunning creatures.

It began to pace back and forth along the edge of the river, appraising Jason carefully. He was getting his breath back, his eyes following every movement the manticore made. He still had the topi keledar held tightly in his hands. Such a small and worthless item for all this trouble it had caused. But it was his mentor’s…

The manticore tentatively put one paw in the water, and then hurriedly pulled it out again with a very animal-like snarl that came from a very human-like mouth. And Jason knew why it had stopped. The monstrous cat feared the water!

Realisation dawned in his eyes and he took a step away from the manticore, watching it snarl and hiss at him. Casually, he raised one hand in farewell, turned and began sprinting again.

Something thudded into the ground close to his feet – a poisoned needle thrown from the manticore’s tail. Jason almost tripped as he ran and another needle embedded itself in a pokok to his right. He ducked automatically and felt one whizz over his head. Diving to the side, he ended up rolling through a patch of thorns and down a small slope. He landed in a muddy puddle with a shock that sent the topi keledar bouncing out of his hands.

He sat up quickly and shook his muddy hair from his eyes, frantically looking around in the shadows cast sejak the moon’s light for the golden helmet.

There! It was still rolling down the slope, bumping over the rock covered ground. Behind him, Jason heard the manticore let out a terrible roar. Soon, it would pick up the courage to make the leap across the river and, sejak then, he needed to be far away.

He scrambled to his feet, his hands clawing at the wet ground in his haste to reach the golden helmet. He slid and slipped down the slope after it, his years of training paying off as they kept him from tripping over the hidden stones and holes in the long, tangling grass. He used the trees around him to help keep him upright, but the golden topi keledar continued to pick up speed as it rolled down the hill.

Jason watched as it crashed against a boulder jutting out of the ground and finally come to a stop. He let go of the pokok he was clinging onto for support and slid the rest of the way down to the boulder and the helmet. He picked it up carefully, brushing the mud and dirt off it. His mentor wanted it back in one piece and he knew better, now, than to disobey a direct order from his mentor. So, using the cloth of his shirt, he scrubbed it until it was clean once again – atau as much as he could tell in the light from the moon.

He had just decided to make sure he was in one piece, too, when another loud roar came from the manticore, still up the slope.

Jason raised his eyes to look in the direction the roar had come. He couldn’t tell whether the manticore had made it across the river yet – whether it had faced its fear atau not – and he really didn’t want to stay and find out. So, holding the topi keledar even tighter than before so there was no chance of it coming out of his grip, he carefully made his way down the slope, using the soft moon’s radiance to avoid boulders and other obstacles that covered the ground.

He had barely gone eleven paces when something hard slammed against a boulder beside him, followed a saat later sejak another landing in the ground between his feet. It was covered in a shiny liquid that glowed sejak the moon’s light. The needle had passed so close sejak his leg that it had torn the cloth of his pants.

Jason turned slowly to look back the way he had come.

Standing with some deadly majesty on a boulder above him, was the manticore. Its kala jengking tail was arched over its back, the points of the needles glistening almost as dangerously as its eyes. And the eyes themselves bore down into Jason’s, like they could see into his very soul. He realised he would’ve been rooted to the spot if he had been ignorant of the manticore’s ability to destroy him completely. But knowing this fact kept him alert, it unlocked his muscles and allowed him to back a few paces further down the slope.

The manticore’s tail twitched and slowly, it lowered the tail back until the tip of it was almost touching the ground. Then it flicked it to the front again, unleashing a sword-sharp needle. Twice lebih the manticore did this, in little lebih than a few seconds, so that three poisoned needles were headed directly for Jason.

With speed that surprised even him, Jason had drawn his sword and, deflecting the first needle, sending it spinning away from him. At the same time, his sword went pulled out of his hands from the force of the needle’s flight. He dodged the saat needle and felt the wind from the third ruffle his hair before it embedded itself in the ground. He looked around for his sword, but it was laying a fair jump away.

The manticore snarled in anger, making Jason glance back up at him. It was leaping down the slope towards him with agility that he suddenly envied, turning to face the treacherous decent. But he had no choice but to keep going, so he pushed himself over another boulder and started slipping down the bukit again, with lebih haste.

He hadn’t gone very far when, sejak the dim light of the moon, he saw something ahead of him that made his hati, tengah-tengah freeze – the slope ended in a sudden and deadly drop.

Jason struggled to slow himself, cutting his palms on rumput strands as he pulled at anything to stop his slipping decent. He managed to come to a stop before he fell off the edge of the sudden cliff, and he knocked quite a few small stones down into the dark abyss as he scrambled away from the deadly edge.

The manticore saw the danger, too, and came to a lebih graceful stop than Jason. It snarled as it skidded on its four paws, small rocks skittering away from it. Jason was trying to get away from it, back up the slope. The manticore pounced, landing between Jason and his escape. He scrambled backwards, tripping back towards the edge of the cliff. He felt his heel slip off and his arms waved as he tried to regain balance, his mentor’s heavy topi keledar in his left hand upsetting his steadiness. If he dropped that over the edge… he may as well just jump after it.

The manticore took a step forward, its eyes watching Jason closely. Its human face smiled wickedly. There was nowhere to run. The manticore didn’t need to use its poisoned needles, Jason was trapped between the edge of the cliff and the monster’s sharp claws.

Jason realised this, too. He stared into the eyes of the manticore, holding the topi keledar against his chest, ready to throw it. If this was the end, the manticore wasn’t going to get its paws on his mentor’s helmet, even if it meant losing it.

He glanced over his shoulder for an instant, and then back at the manticore. Its grin was growing wider, it took another step forward.

“Nowhere left to go,” it growled. Its voice resounded in Jason’s ears, deep and menacing. “Nowhere left to go but down.”

Jason glanced below him again.

“I know,” he berkata to the manticore, and then he back flipped over the edge.

The manticore let out a surprised and angry snarl and leapt ke hadapan to peer down into the valley far below… just as the pegasus gave a mighty flap of its wings and launched itself up past the monster’s head. With Jason clinging tightly to its mane one-handed – his other hand clutching the topi keledar – the winged horse galloped through the sky and up towards the shining full moon, its great feathered wings pure silver in the light.

Below them, the manticore let out a series of livid roars and growls. It launched poisoned needle after needle, but they fell short. The pegasus was already too far across the valley, its galloping flight taking Jason to safety.

He looked back over his shoulder to watch the manticore getting smaller and smaller. Only when it was invisible in the night, did he turn back to the front and stroke the winged horse’s slender, white neck, allowing himself a small grin of triumph.

“Thank you,” he whispered to the pegasus, knowing it could hear him above the sound of the wind. He looked up at the star-filled sky. “Now, can anda take me to Mount Pelion? I think Chiron will be wanting his topi keledar back.”


So, anyway. CHIRON is the centaur that trained Jason when Jason was sent to his care because his dad's brother killed his dad to become king and was going to kill him because he was the heir atau something... Anyway, Chiron is his mentor, tutour and trainer and he lived at Mount Pelion, which is in Greece of course, and it looks really pretty from the photographs... xD Anyway, the competition is 2000 words... I can't write short-stories, but this about 1888 words, so I'm good xD
Sylvia took him to the hospital after his tantrum. He had a fever from it, and he became a little sick from his anger. She was a very good mother and taught her children well, but why would her Angel of a son act so violently and moody? The doctor berkata it wasn't Sylvia's fault. Luke's real mother drank alcohol while carrying him which that means, Luke has fetal alcohol syndrome. It causes violent mood swings, temper tantrums, and compulsive behavior. Sylvia was worried about him because this can effect his behavior with everyone else around him, and his self esteem. A few days later, Sylvia...
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posted by sassygirl26640
clearly justin bieber the famous pop teen idol. is being down graded for 98% of girls lives to 20%. its been taking forever for 1 song to come out of his mouth these days. plus no girl likes his new hair cute from cute and shaggy to a short cut. now he sung with a wanobe kid whos daddy paied for his songs to come out janeh smith. oops did i spill the beans on him i think i did but thats a differnt story about him and his sister. but i Cinta his sisters's Muzik but there they been edited!! what is going to happen to are once loved justin bieber now. o and something i think all the people who...
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“I can’t even remember why I chose to marry you!” She yelled. Her beautiful face filled with anger, those sparkling brown eyes that I have loved since hari one, bore into me with no affection. She had berkata them, the words I never wanted to hear.
The fight had been going on for an jam now and I started to yell back, I could no longer control myself. Our first real fight in five years. I knew she would be over it soon and that big bright smile will light up her face, but I was overwhelmed too. I was hurt. But I stopped myself.
There were no lights on in our house; the outside light had...
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posted by jesus_bale
 "It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right."
"It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right."

I can still remember the disappointment in those hazel eyes the moment I told him I was leaving. I couldn't stay - I had no choice. I still can't decide whether it hurt lebih to leave him, atau to know I had been the one who caused the pain. What was I supposed to do? This child needed guidance and protection now lebih than ever, and I couldn't help him. For so long I had been the one to console him - make him feel selamat, peti deposit keselamatan - and it was coming to an end. It was... the rule.

"I need to go away, Alex. It's what imaginary Friends do....
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posted by HouseMindFreak
Chapter 10

“It appears an animal attacked him but the claw marks look almost….human,”
“How could a person do something like this?”

Voices echoed in and around him. They sounded so distant like he was under water.
His face burned like something tore the skin off and left it bare to the elements.
A light glowed around his eyes; a strong smell of oxygen filled his nose as he took in a deep breath.
The voices became louder as he became lebih awake.

“He’s starting to wake up.”

“What’s going on?” he winced. Talking made his face hurt.

“You’re in the hospital, anda were found this morning...
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posted by HouseMindFreak
Chapter 9

Jax slammed on the breaks of his truck in front of the Sakima home. With his shotgun in hand, he cautiously stepped out.
He could barely see through the thick darkness.
His lungs burned as he tried to breathe the frigid air that surrounded him.

“Mrs. Sakima!” he yelled stumbling over a rock.

A weak voice called out.

He ran through the darkness, trying to navigate where the voice came from.
His foot struck something hard causing him land on his stomach, knocking the breath out of him.
Not able to alih from his inability to breathe he lifted his head and opened his eyes. A...
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posted by HouseMindFreak
Chapter 8

The highway was strangely quiet tonight.
On a typical Friday night Officer Ranald would see 20 cars every 5 minit but since the early evening there hasn’t been one car except for a few semi-trucks. In his 25 years as an officer, this was a rare occurrence.
His patrol car sat parked in a shallow ditch in the darkness so that any driver going over the speed would never see him until it was too late. One of the many perks of being a highway patrol officer.
But tonight it was boring him to death.

With his window rolled down the outside air was cool and fresh making him feel more...
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posted by Insight357
An Angel
A Demon
A battle
Raging in
The night sky

A sweet sensation
No one knows the
Beckoning thought
In the bounds of your

The Angel knelt down
On the cold winters ground
Spoke a soft prayer
Looked into the empty night air
Saw an image of himself

A sweet sensation
No one knows the
Beckoning thought
In the bounds of your

The demon summoned all his courage
And broke through the cage
He found no reason
He drew back his army
And walked to the Angel in harmony
With a fanged smile
From the demon
A wicked gleam
From the angel
They made their truths

A sweet sensation
No one knows the
Beckoning thought
In the bounds of your

No battle
No challenge
Amongst two forces
Now bonded
posted by Insight357
Yes, it was happening (again). Seventeen tahun old Wyatt Thomas was being chased sejak a pair of vampyres. Great. He was going to be late to school for the fourth time that week. He was sure his best friend Elizabeth would cover for him, as she'd done the other four times this week.
He spun around with inhuman speed. Blue flames leapt out of his fingers toward the vampyres. When the flames made contact the vamps flew back into the wall. Wyatt quickly ran out of the ally, and all the way to school.
Wyatt, suprisingly, got to school on time, early in fact. Even Elizabeth wasn't there yet. So, he...
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posted by sawfan13
As they were drawing close to Howl, I got jealous and defensive all of a sudden. "Hey! He's not used to so many people around him, so back off!" One of the girls looked at me and said,"Take a chill pill,k'? We just like him." Debbie flashed her evil green eyes at me and said,"Yeah Lilith. Maybe he would like to see a real woman for once instead of a little pathetic nobody like you." Something inside of me just burst into flames. She's kept going and going, calling me trashy because of how my tank bahagian, atas was menunjukkan my naval. I gave her a cold hard stare and said,"You're jealous because I have...
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posted by sawfan13
Howl helped me navigate to my campsite. We didn't see a single soul there. I was relieved that they were gone, since I didn't want to swoop down there with Howl, and start gawking at him all the time. I got out a first aid kit, and untied the cloth from my baju from his body. Good thing the wild animal didn't Slash him that deeply. All I really need to put on Howl for him to heal is Poroxcide, Neosporin, and a gauze bandage to bungkus, balut around his upper waist around the upper ab area. I doctored him and ordered him to rest on my sleeping bag/bed. I'm pretty sure he heals pretty quickly for a man...
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posted by sawfan13
Howl leaned down, his lips almost touching mine, when suddenly we heard screaming. He jumped off of the elephant, leaving me behind while I'm struggling to get off. It wasn't a human scream. lebih like a baby monkey atau something. I got off of Tahji, and landed on my butt, and walked towards the bushes and leaves to where Howl went to. I see him talking to a baby monkey. It looked like the same type of monkey on "Friends". I looked at Howl and said,"Hey look! Ross has a monkey! Ha! I always wanted to say that! Hahahaha!" Howl looks at me confused, and said,"Where?" I thought of what I berkata was...
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posted by sawfan13
Early in the afternoon. All of my sisters and her Friends are so excited about this trip to an actual wild forested area in Africa. I'm kinda on the fence about it, and I'm trying to start my own pool to see if my sister and her Friends will spaz out before they set foot on real jungle grass. He he. It's going to be so hilarious watching these spoiled rich brats take a look at a place without electricity, room-service, houses, pluming, and money usage. It's a high-heel free zone, and they're still wearing those screaming sequined death traps that their so-called "natural born perfected" feet...
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posted by HouseMindFreak
Chapter 7

Koda awoke suddenly.
His hati, tengah-tengah was hammering in his chest and an excruciating pain filled his body.
His skin felt as if it was ripping open, his muscles were in so much pain as if he pulled every muscle fiber.
The skin and Bones in his fingertips exploded as something else grew in replacement of his nails.
His jawbone crunched and popped.

Everything in his body was changing.

As he tried to maintain his thoughts, he slowly Lost all memory of who he was. He was becoming lebih animal than human.

The pain finally subsided.
All he thought and felt was anger.
And revenge.

Jax sat alone in the living...
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posted by stevie_fan98
I fell faster and faster, tumbling through the air. I knew, from the agony of hitting the ground, of several ribs cracking, that this was real, lebih real than any experience I had ever had in my entire life, but I also knew, that once I had passed through this pain barrier, once I came back to consciousness, that the whole rest of my life, would seem lebih real than the sebelumnya one. Already it seemed like I had been seeing it through blurry eyes.

Gemma Conrad was walking down Grand Terrace when suddenly it began to start a decline, where there wasn’t meant to be one. She looked down at her...
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posted by ilovehouse345
Last time.... she got a text message from brian (mr.m)
Hey Jasmine,wanna go out for makan malam, majlis makan malam tomarrow night?
She was speechless. Didn't they just have this coversation,(well lebih like she had it with herself in her head but still...) and now all of a sudden he's asking her out. So she started typing back.
sure.what time do you- then she remebered jade. She couldn't just leave her. Could she?
uhh...mabye I have a guest staying here but if she doesn't mind then sure!. She closed her phone and went back to making Makanan for her and jade. The house was quiet for a while and then...
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posted by HouseMindFreak
1st chapter: link

2nd chapter: link

3rd chapter: link

4th chapter: link

5th chapter: link

Chapter 6


Twice in one hari he’s had people saying strange things to him; Jax and his drunken dream and now a serigala, wolf skin wearin’ hobo talking about a creator.
Something just wasn’t right.

“Ever wondered why your family has treated anda as an outcast? Why anda weren’t regarded as normal?” the stranger asked.

How did this guy know about how I was treated? Koda wondered.

“Yeah but it’s because I’m, oh I don’t know, a pain in the ass?”

Even at a time like this he always had to give his two...
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Almost everyone knows that middle school is like a living hell. (If yours wasn't then good for you!).and most people know when anda have a hell anda have little demons that come along with it, also known as middle schoolers. But sometimes middle schoolers know what's best ..........

3 girls made their way down the hallway to 4th period, hands down their kegemaran class. Its was social studies. They all hated social studies but what they like is the fact that 2 teachers combine their classes and teach together, and that the 2 teachers are always flirting. The teachers are mr.miller and mrs.ledingham,...
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The two figures walked silently in unity, their feet trudging through the high snow. Both their faces were wet with tears, and the girl clutched a bundle of bright red roses. They stopped immediately in front of a strong iron gate beside a small cozy church, adorned with brilliant Krismas lights, and inside voices sang in chorus to familiar Krismas songs.
They both stared beyond, unsure of whether to go in atau not. The red-headed boy made his decision first and leaned on the gate, crying into his hands. The girl seemed unable to look at him, and her gaze was locked sejak a white marble tombstone...
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posted by Chaann94
So I came up with this letter-like story. It's based on me and my secret crush. Please tell me if anda liked it atau not!

Dear you,

From the moment I met you, anda were different from all the other people I've met before. Especially the way I felt about you. Sure I've had crushes before, but I act different around you. When anda don't agree with me, anda ask these soalan that hurt my feelings. anda make those komen-komen that make me feel bad and make me want to cry lebih than I want to laugh. Normally I would have broken off contacts with a person like that long before he atau she would have gotten so...
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