Akiza Izinski Club
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posted by Courtneyfan6
(At the living room of the guys' place, Akiza is laying down, watching Sonny With A Chance.)
Akiza: (thinking) My stomach is feeling alright now. I'm glad.
(Footsteps approching, Akiza gasps)
(It was Sherry, who came here to give Akiza her 16 oz. french vanilla ice cream.)
Akiza: Hey, Sherry.
Sherry: (smiles at her) Bonjour. Yusei called me yesterday zat anda are sick zo I brought anda some french ice cream.
Akiza: Thanks. (she takes the ice cream from sherry and eats it)
Sherry: Bon appetit. (Akiza chuckles)
(Sherry came out of the living room)
Yusei: How's Akiza doing?
Sherry: She claim zat her...
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posted by Courtneyfan6
(At Yusei, Jack and Crow's place, the boys are working on the test runner)
(Jack and gagak are arguing)
Jack: I told you, Crow, I like drinking coffee!
Crow: And I don't like anda spending money!
(They arguing again)
Bruno: (annoyed about the arguement between Jack & Crow) Hey, Yusei, is Akiza suppose to come?
Yusei: Yeah, she berkata to me that we can work on her duel runner.
(Akiza came in tiredly as Bruno rolled the garaj door open when she parked her duel runner outside. She didn't showed her smile to her friends. They looked worried.)
Crow: anda okay? anda seen looked a little green.
Akiza: I'm fine....
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posted by Courtneyfan6
(In the bathroom, Akiza is puking in the toilet, when the others came in)
Akiza: (retching)
Jack & Crow: Eww!!!!!!
(Akiza collapsed when Yusei kneeled down to reach her.)
Yusei: Akiza, are anda okay?
Akiza: Huh? What happened?
Crow: 1. You're puking and 2. anda collapsed and got sick.
Akiza: Hmm....... (starting to tear up) So, I was throwing up, right?
Yusei: Yeah.
Akiza: (starts to sob)
Jack: Oh, no, not the waterworks!
Crow: Jack!
Yusei: Hey, Akiza, shhh..... it's okay.
Akiza: (stops sobbing) Thanks, Yusei, but that doesn't make feel better.
Yusei: Okay, now go in the living room and lay down on the...
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