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Aladdin Favourite animal in the film?

117 fans picked:
 Okami_Amaterasu posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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totallyspies_5 picked Raja:
luv rajah
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LisaForde picked Iago:
His hilarious
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JarOfMemories picked Abu:
This was so hard to answer.
I love Iago, but he was able to talk whereas Raja and Abu had to express themselves through mere facial and actions.
I picked Abu though due to my thinking he was absolutely hilarious.
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percyandpotter picked Abu:
i love his little 'i'm unhappy' face! and wasn't it cute when he pretended to be the sultan?
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LightningRed picked Raja:
I like tiger and Rajah is a tiger.
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Ksenya picked Iago:
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rogueslayer17 picked Raja:
I love all 3
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pretty_angel92 picked Raja:
and abu
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Mongoose09 picked Abu:
I couldnt choose between him and Rajah
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MeaghanDavis picked Abu:
I love abu and Rajah:)
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LionaChoco picked Abu:
And Rajah.
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Vixie79 picked Raja:
Rajah was so cute.
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iluvhellowkitty picked Abu:
ABU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D Raja is okay too :)
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moonagedaydream picked Iago:
Iago's hilarious, and I actually quite like Gilbert Gottfried's voice. *is weird*
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Sandfire_Paiger picked Abu:
then rajah!
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ladyhadhafang picked Raja:
I love Abu and Iago, though. :3 Abu's cute and Iago's hilarious (it helps that he tends to reflect my "stressed out and put upon" moods at times with a lot of accuracy), but Rajah...Rajah's not only adorable (seriously, he's like an overgrown housecat!), but he's one of the best animal companions a girl could ask for. I love it when he sends Prince Achmed storming off in a huff, for example, as well as when he comforts Jasmine after Aladdin is presumed dead.
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boytoy_84 picked Raja:
Tigers are one of my favorite animals :)
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