Alfred Hitchcock Wall

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knl4hitch53 berkata …
I just joined this Alfred Hitchcock peminat club. I don't see any baru-baru ini posts. All are a tahun atau lebih lalu it appears. Is this an active peminat club atau is there another Hitchcock peminat club site? telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
Jeno712003 dikomen…
I’m having the exact same problem! Find anything? Post here pls hampir setahun yang lalu
knl4hitch53 dikomen…
Haven't found anything yet. hampir setahun yang lalu
rigolrg berkata …
Please sertai us at the Glendale Public perpustakaan on Thursday January 26, 2017 @ 7:00PM, as legendary actress Tippi Hedren discusses her new memoir- the event is free to the public but requires registration on Eventbrite. Reserve your seats now! telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
APdirector berkata …
hei there Hitchcock fans, my name is Andy Palmer I just joined and was hoping to ask if it was okay to post a trailer for my new movie Badlands of Kain. It is my little Cinta letter to Hitchcock and is coming out on VOD April 5th 2016. Do not want to step on any toes in the peminat site, so please let me know.
-Andy telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
Mkgart berkata …
I'm thinking of starting a peminat Club in Wellfleet on Cape Cod. Having written three buku on his films, I wondered if there might be many folks out here who might be interested... telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
adamharvey97 berkata …
hi, slightly odd question, does anyone know what the copyright status is for Stage Fright (1950) ?? is it in the public domain atau not?? telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
hanhclubbl02 berkata …
Hi all, i'm new member. Add peminat me ^^ telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
FlightofFantasy berkata …
I'm going as Norman Bates as his mother for Halloween. :D
Got an old-fashioned, shapeless dress at Goodwill, a selendang, shawl and a cheap gray wig at Value Village and a fake pisau at Dollar pokok (they didn't have a butcher knife, so I had to settle with a meat cleaver.)
I'm super excited, not gonna lie. I haven't worn a Halloween costume since I was 14 atau 15. telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
big smile
FlightofFantasy berkata …
Oh my God I'm bahagian, atas contributor!
Hitch is my kegemaran director of all time, so I'm really overly excited about this. ;D telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
FlightofFantasy berkata …
Whoa, my Dedicated was upgraded to Die-Hard overnight! This is fantastic! telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
big smile
FlightofFantasy berkata …
I got my Dedicated! telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
blue-eyes berkata …
Did he{Alfred Hitchcock} seem to enjoy working with any of the actors lebih than others?
He really liked Barbara Harris. Oh, what a good actress – she’s unbelievable. There are such beautiful performances from her like A Thousand Clowns, one of my favorites. Somebody had mentioned to me that she was a little strange but I used to talk with her on the set and what a nice lady; she was so sweet. She had some pain and I was sympathetic towards it. telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
axemnas berkata …
Anyone else hear about the Fathom event in either September atau October where they are going to tunjuk The Birds in select theaters across the country? I can't wait. In fact at my local historic theater i went to a Alfred Hitchcock film festival it was great to see Vertigo, Strangers on a train, and Psycho on the big screen. It was my first time seeing Strangers on a train all the way through which made it lebih special. Boy was that intense at the part Tenis match and the guy traveling to the park telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
FlightofFantasy dikomen…
Yes! My family and I went to North sejak Northwest and then The Birds. So much fun. :D For The Birds, I wore a baju with bird silhouettes on it, gagak earrings and kalung and a bird Masquerade mask from a childhood Halloween costume. It was so much awesome fun! hampir setahun yang lalu
roxyiscool999 berkata …
I only have one thing to say about Alferd Hitchcock "Best Director of all time" And The Wrong Man! Brilliant movie Henry Fonda forever!!!!!!!!!!!!! telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
FlightofFantasy dikomen…
Alfred Hitchcock is the best director of all time! OF ALL TIME! The Wrong Man is very underrated. hampir setahun yang lalu
LilacRose berkata …
Two words : the Birds. :) telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
helenaeprice berkata …
Remembering Hitchcock, who died 31 years lalu today...

link telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
parisilove berkata …
Awwwww I just falling in Cinta with " Dial M For Murder"!!! I will ever Cinta it!!!! telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
ateamfan99 dikomen…
What a awesome movie... hampir setahun yang lalu
edoidge dikomen…
Dial M For Murder is fantastic! hampir setahun yang lalu
roxyiscool999 dikomen…
I havent seen it! Wish i did!!! :D hampir setahun yang lalu
CRAZYCOW365 berkata …
did anda know that Alfred Hitchcock shows him self in all of his movies! it's your gob to look for him though! telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
HuddyJoy0524 dikomen…
yeah! its pretty cool! :) i always watch for him! hampir setahun yang lalu