Jennifer Garner

I was about ten years old when I started watching the series, and became addicted from the very first episode. Like everyone else, I loved the first two seasons, but then something happened in season three that I didn´t quite understand. Now I´ve reached to the very point where I´m gonna tell anda why I wrote this at all...or actually to the very question; Why do you, (when anda have a tunjuk that´s already going well), ruin that great tunjuk with psycho-wives and amnesia?! And I´m not just talking about Alias now, this happens in every single tunjuk I ever watch! So why do they do this? No wonder they loose watchers...! Does anyone agree?
(And thank anda for Membaca this...)

Hi my name is Mia and I watch alias nearly every hari and I just Cinta Marshall because he's funny and a bit stupid ! If anyone loves Marshall ur awesome !!!!
29th of october!
if i had to choose between all the characters two i would choose marshall and sydney.
i thought alias was a bit boring but when marshall apeared i loved it i hated it though when marshall fainted cause i thought he was going to die! :(
To Kevin Weisman,
Have an awsome life and a happy new tahun say hi to your family for me ! :) :P
29th of october!
if i had to choose between all the characters two i would choose marshall and sydney.
i thought alias was a bit boring but when marshall apeared i loved it i hated it though when marshall fainted cause i thought he was going to die! :(
To Kevin Weisman,
Have an awsome life and a happy new tahun say hi to your family for me ! :) :P