Amy & Rory Amy and the Doctor might be an item in Series 6...

Pick one:
im ok with that...
If Amy ditches her loyal, loving husband... then...
If Amy ditches her loyal, loving husband...then she's an idiot.
Added by Dearheart
Ah just what? Oh dear I dunno what to think.
Added by Alexi95
I Cinta Rory, and it probably will happen but I don't want it to. Good on anda arth
Added by zzz38
AMY! How dare anda ditch Rory!!!!!!!- !!!!!!!!!
AMY! How dare anda ditch Rory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They stay together!
They stay together!
Added by tardisgirl101
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 ladychazabc posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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