Amy Rose Club
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added by PrincessDaisy2
added by metalgearsolid3
added by PrincessDaisy2
added by sallye77
Source: AMY
added by metalgearsolid3
added by tamawut8
added by Julie-Su2015
Source: sejak *AzumiAngel on Deviant Art
added by JazzyBReal
Source: Jazzy-B-Real13
added by TherealAmyRose
added by AmyRose11
added by Julie-Su2015
added by Julie-Su2015
added by Julie-Su2015
added by vitanithelion
Source: me
added by Bluu-Metal-Star
added by Shortcake900
added by supersonicfan02
If Amy got married to Sonic, Sonic`s carrer is over. In Sonic`s world, Amy would be going whereever he goes. She wont let him fight anyone. She might force him to alih out of where he always live. She wont let him have any Friends atau even talk to his old ones. She will Ciuman him every morning, afternoon, and night. Maybe even 24,7. She will drag him to ever clothing store she sees to help her kedai for the clothes and pay for them. After all, it does takes hours for a woman to pick out the clothes that Suits her. The worst thing of all is having CHILDREN. If Amy has children, Sonic is gonna have to be stuck in the house until they are teens. ALL of them. And that would take FOREVER. In Amy`s world, Sonic would Cinta her and care for her do whatever she wants. he would do the oppisite of what I said. he wouldnt mind having children. Do anda think that Amy Rose and Sonic make the perfect couple? Answer that soalan in the quiz.