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Wow, so that's the awesome body that A Pink's Chorong's been hiding! In her photoshoot for 'Sure's December issue, Chorong flaunted her evenly toned, sexy body and shared some health tips to shedding that stubborn fat.

The singer revealed that her current body is the result of eight years of hapkido and her regular sessions of pilates. Chorong is living proof that the hard work can help achieve any look anda so desire!

SEE ALSO: [Drama Review] 'Reply 1988' - Episode 6

Chorong confessed that pilates has transformed the muscle on the bottom part of her body from thick and ungainly to slim and toned....
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added by Syarah26
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Source: EXTRA
added by demmah
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Source: Apink DC-Gall & Namju Nver blog
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