Have anda seen the new episodes starting from pool party which is episode 45. It has got a new season opening that is a big version and lots lebih
telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
Why aren't there lebih fans? D: I know so many people on YouTube and Tumblr that Cinta LITD and there's barely any here!
telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
Seriously, LITD made Barbie earn THOUSAND of peminat-peminat all over the world and there are only 28 fans? ...I need to do something. Vitty, I'll post the link to this fanspot on my Barbie-themed Tumblr blog ;)
telah diposkan hampir setahun yang lalu
alright those who luv skipper vote for Skipper in the who is your kegemaran character And pass this to every one who luvs skipper thnxhampir setahun yang lalu