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Once Upon A Time: Jennifer Morrison, Ginnifer Goodwin & Lana Parrilla Talk Midseason Finale


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Gabri3la said:
In recent weeks, in her quest to get back to her son Henry, Emma double crossed the raven-haired captain, swiping the all-important portal-related compass for herself, leaving him tied up in the giant’s home up the beanstalk. But Jennifer Morrison, who plays Emma, said the move was justified.

“I feel like he should understand that obviously I couldn’t trust him. I’m just saying!” Jennifer laughed, after ABC flew us up to the Vancouver “OUAT” set, and asked how Hook is feeling when they characters meet again. “But… from my perspective, she didn’t want to leave him, she wanted to believe him, but I think that’s the beautiful thing about putting those two stories next to each other. You see why she can’t take that risk.”
Emma will finally have to answer for those actions when she sees Hook once again, but with his occasional fondness for her, things could go any which way.

“They come face to face and… I think it’s very honest,” Jennifer said, when Access asked what to expect of the confrontation. “I think it’s what it would be… Unfortunately, Emma’s put in a situation where she now needs something and he has the upper hand and so there’s a constant ping pong back and forth of the power shift with them. It’s like he needs something and uses her and she needs something and uses him and then they’re always sort of like trying to rely on their abilities to charm and manipulate to get each other to do things. “
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.