Carly_Mae & Faerie0975 Club
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posted by klyclrksn_fan77

Sorry, I'm hyper.


Some things about myself:

•For breakfast today, I had roti bakar with honey. Yum.
•Me and my two BFFs have a strong belief in the back of our minds that vampires, witches, shapeshifters, faeries, dragons, etc. do exist somewhere, atau did at one point.
•My favourite buku are: The Hunger Games, the Twilight Saga (but only because once you're in anda can't get out...), Harry Potter, Night World, Beautiful Creatures and the House of Night series.
•My favourite TV shows are: Vampire Diaries (which, sejak the way, is NOT copying Twilight!...
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posted by Faerie0975
Welcome to the spot I've created for my BFFAEAEAE, Carly Mae!!! Well, Carly, but on here she's Carly_Mae... So yeah. She's a beautiful person and I've known her since... Since... Kindergarten, I think? A long time, anyways. (P-GIRLS UNITE!) In the summer we always go to the pantai with our other BFF, Beccy, and we eat ice cream and possibles (popsicles, for those of anda who aren't me atau Carly atau Beccy) and drink green Coke atau energy drinks... And we run away from the rapist and make a monster... Shall I explain so that anda don't think we're certifiably insane?

Basically, me and Car were exploring...
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posted by Faerie0975
This morning I had my last exam (Science, blech). Afterwards Carly phoned me and we went to hang out at Matticks Farm. I got there first and went to buy Makanan (because I was hungry) while I waited for her. We always go to Matticks in the summer because it's almost in the middle of my house and Car's house. Anyways, I came back out and Carly was standing there talking to my mom (!) on the phone, 'cause she didn't know where I was.

By the way, anda don't have to read this unless it's the only interesting thing anda can find, which would be sad. Although it does get pretty interesting soon.

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