Thank anda everyone for participating! I was inspired sejak BelleAnastasia's artikel-artikel to make one like this myself. Though it's not the same thing, I don't do creative collages but I hope anda guys will still like this! I was going to write about the placements but I later didn't see the need of doing so for this, I'll just read your komen-komen whether anda agree with this senarai atau not. What I like about it is that the animated females don't need to have perfect traits to be included, it is about looks but other attributes can make a character sexy. Some who made the senarai don't usually get a lot of recognition for their looks which is refreshing.

Honorable Mentions: 15. Belle 14. Helga 13. Tzipporah 12. Vanessa 11. Ariel

10. Holli Would

9. Babette

8. Pocahontas

7. Kida

6. Eris

5. Chel

4. Jessica Rabbit

3. Megara

2. Jasmine

1. Esmeralda

nvm that this has mostly superheroes. i couldn't find a good one of male heroes