Heroin filem animasi kanak-kanak Club
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Much like my baru-baru ini Pocahontas vs Anastasia article, I'm continuing my Filem vs Filem artikel with Sleeping Beaty vs The angsa, swan Princess. A little background is that both Filem are based off plays sejak Tchaikovsky, Sleeping Beauty and angsa, swan Lake. Although Sleeping Beauty is also based-off the original fairy-tale sejak Charles Perrault and a little bit off the story of Briar Rose sejak the Brothers Grim. Unfortunately, for both the Charles Perrault Sleeping Beauty and the original play of angsa, swan Lake, it ends in tragedy. Sleeping Beauty didn't wake up from her deep sleep from true love's kiss, it was...
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Earlier this week an idea randomly popped into my head that I should make an artikel on characters with the prettiest eyes and here it is! It's made up of different eyes and unlike my beautiful eyes senarai with famous people that mostly has guys, this senarai mostly has has ladies. (Probably because they use many different shapes for women).

10) epal, apple Bloom

I was thinking about putting epal, apple Bloom as a usual pony, but I thought it would only be fair to use humans and she IS human in the movies. Ha! Anyway I Cinta epal, apple Bloom's eyes because not only are they orange which is a cool and unusual color...
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added by diluka96
Source: me
Thank anda everyone for participating! I was inspired sejak BelleAnastasia's artikel-artikel to make one like this myself. Though it's not the same thing, I don't do creative collages but I hope anda guys will still like this! I was going to write about the placements but I later didn't see the need of doing so for this, I'll just read your komen-komen whether anda agree with this senarai atau not. What I like about it is that the animated females don't need to have perfect traits to be included, it is about looks but other attributes can make a character sexy. Some who made the senarai don't usually get a lot of recognition for their looks which is refreshing.

 Honorable Mentions: 15. Belle 14. Helga 13. Tzipporah 12. Vanessa 11. Ariel
Honorable Mentions: 15. Belle 14. Helga 13. Tzipporah 12. Vanessa 11. Ariel
 10. Holli Would
10. Holli Would
 9. Babette
9. Babette
 8. Pocahontas
8. Pocahontas
 7. Kida
7. Kida
 6. Eris
6. Eris
 5. Chel
5. Chel
 4. Jessica Rabbit
4. Jessica Rabbit
 3. Megara
3. Megara
 2. melati, jasmine
2. Jasmine
 1. Esmeralda
1. Esmeralda
Welcome to my article! Here is a senarai of (female) Disney characters that I personally believe are pretty/beautiful but don't get much attention and deserve their chance in the spotlight. I’ve never been very good at explaining why I find certain people (well, characters in this case) attractive, so I may accidentally repeat myself throughout the artikel and the komen-komen won’t be very long but I’ll try and make it short but sweet. Some of these characters are not only underrated in beauty, but also in character, though for the sake of the artikel I’ll only talk about the former. It’s...
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This is my saat article! I hope anda enjoy it :)

 The ambitious workaholic
The ambitious workaholic

Tiana's looks are ok! I mean for the majority of the movie I was not really fond of her physical appearance. She has nice eyes, but I don't really like her hair. keseluruhan I liked her with Charlotte's blue dress and with the green dress with lillies, but apart from that I found her looks to be quite unmemorizible.

 The perfect damsel
The perfect damsel

Ok, so Snow White is cute. But that's about it. I would have loved to be able to put her higher on my list, but the fact is that she is not gorgeous atau beautiful,...
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This is my saat artikel on this spot and it's about what I think are the most beautiful animated females (excluding animals) and I can tell anda that all of the girls on the senarai are beautiful, but it was very hard to come up with a great senarai and this can change at any moment!

20. The Evil Queen (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs):

Out of the Disney villains she's the most beautiful in my opinion though Vanessa from The Little Mermaid is a very close second. Anyways, even though we never see her hair I think she's very beautiful, I Cinta the eyes though they can creep me out in close ups,...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1713186/kristen-bell-frozen-movie.jhtml
added by KataraLover
added by KataraLover
non Disney
rise of the guardians
jack frost
I suggest not watching this if anda don't want to ruin the Disney magic of the parks :)
While I've never been one to spend hours thinking about who is the most beautiful character ever, I do admit I have my Kegemaran in terms of beauty. I might have done this list, but I'd prefer to do it now again now that I've got my Kegemaran cleared out. I add things like likability and personality aside from physical beauty in terms of how beautiful I find the character.

Most of these choices are in between conventional and unconventional, but it's mostly into what I personally find attractive. Remember that this senarai is subjective and it's all my opinion, so don't get mad if your faves aren't...
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added by JaDangerz
Source: DreamWorks
 nvm that this has mostly superheroes. i couldn't find a good one of male Heroes
nvm that this has mostly superheroes. i couldn't find a good one of male heroes
The seterusnya part of this amazing series where we discover the world of my interests and kegemaran characters.

So, last time we talked about the ladies, now it's time to talk about the gentlemen. I'll admit that this was a harder senarai to make, because I do have a mental senarai for the ladies, with the men it's very uneven and unsorted. So I had to think a lot to get this senarai going, but I think in the end I managed to get something that works.

Well, let's get started.

15) Tack (The Thief and the Cobbler)

He's such a cutie! He barely makes the senarai but I could talk a lot about him. I Cinta that he's the...
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added by KataraLover
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://thenamelessdoll.tumblr.com/post/123760494261/i-took-a-look-at-my-page-and-realized-that-there
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://elf-in-mirror.deviantart.com
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://kishokahime.deviantart.com
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://viasacra.deviantart.com