Comparative Religion Club
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religious symbols
i dont know what i belive in as far as religion.most of my relatives are christian but i dont belive in the same things they do.if the kids in my family curse they`d want to punish us but, i belive in the bill of rigths(freedom of speech)so i think anyone ang everyone should have these rigths.when i was younger i was not very religious and belived very little in god.(if at all)i did not belive in santa clause,the tooth fairy, atau the easter bunny because in my mind,i thougth they where not real.adults lie to little kids all the time about this type of stuff;then when they get older,they figure...
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posted by southern-belle
Bide sejak the Wiccan laws ye must
in perfect Cinta and perfect trust.

Live and let live-
fairly take and fairly give.

Cast the bulatan thrice about
to keep all evil spirits out.

To bind the spell every time,
let the spell be spake in rhyme.

Soft of eye and light of touch-
speak little, listen much.

Deosil go sejak the waxing Moon-
sing and dance the Wiccan rune.

Winddershins go when the Moon doth Wane,
and the Werewolf howls sejak the dread Wolfsbane.

When the Lady's Moon is new,
kiss the hand to her times two.

When the Moon rides at her peak,
then your heart's desire seek.

Heed the Northwind's mighty...
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I get a lot of varied responses when it comes to my religion. So, out of frustration, I made a "list" of things I'd rather people didn't do, and things people did do. Originally, it was aimed for Heathenism, but a lot of my points fit for multiple religions, so I thought I'd post it here.

(Note: Some of it is still a little Pagan/Heathen centric, though. Sorry :/)
Things I'd Rather anda Didn't Do:
1 Don't assume
~A. Don't assume I don't know about other religions. Just because I don't follow that path, doesn't mean...
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posted by DriftingSpirit
THE keeper of the crypt, a guard of his living tomb;
FROM one corner to the other, alone, in his unholy room...
INSIDE a Pharohs' grave, a scaarob, the mummies sacramental bettle;
TO ride upon a camels back to reach Heaven, through the Eye of the Needle...
NOW to live in the Kingdom of GOD, is our lifes hope;
A skeptic of religion, the scolar dancing high above on a fragile tightrope...
HE gazzes upon Heaven, although his road leads straight through Hell;
THE black cat crosses his path, the clock in the tower rings its thirteenth bell...
ONES life it would seem, is filled with conjure, magical...
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posted by DriftingSpirit
A MAN of many possessions, seeking Heaven over Hell;
CHOOSES to give away thy riches, api, kebakaran and brimstone, an ungodly smell...
FORE is it not better to give than to receive;
ON thy way to righteousness, only Satan shall deceive...
WITH every measure thy giveth, in Heaven thy measure received;
WHEREAS to enter Gods Kingdom hardly shall thy have riches, thy soul beit burned..
NOW thy has not any riches, gold, silver nor any heards;
SEEING now thy owns nothing more, holding fast to GODs word...
THOU knowest thy commandments, the law from GOD;
DO not commit adultery, kill, steal, nor bare false...
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Most Christians, and non-Christians have the same soalan in general, where did the different races come from? Being Christian I had wondered this myself. In class one hari we watched a Christian speaker video that really cleared things up. Adam and Eve were the first 2 people on Earth,and of course had to have the right genes to pass on dark, medium, atau light skin. That menes that Adam and Eve had both the dark gene(BB) and the light gene(aa) that means that they both carried both the dark gene and the light gene. Adam and Eve were therefor medium colored. Their children were either dark,...
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