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added by jlhfan624
Source: capped sejak me
added by House34
added by House34
added by House34
added by jlhfan624
Source: CBS
CSI ny
added by Serienjunkie91
Source: http://fan.howlingmoon.net/csi-ny/images/wallpapers/wall1_1280x960.jpg
added by Setsuna
Source: CBS
added by Elizabeth90luv
added by House34
added by House34
added by jlhfan624
Source: CBS
added by House34
added by jlhfan624
Source: CBS
posted by number100fan
It can be inferred that Danny grew up on Staten Island, in a family under surveillance (as hinted at in the episode "Tanglewood"). As a result, he formed his own set of hybrid ethics, caught between the world of lawbreakers and law enforcers. Though very little is known about the Messer family, Danny openly admits that he has had a very rocky relationship with his older brother, Louie, since a fateful night in 1991. After promising to take Danny to Atlantic City with some of his friends, they stopped off at Giants stadium where Louie and two others began to severely beat a drug dealer,...
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added by beaulieu
added by edennirvana
Source: CBS
added by jlhfan624
Source: capped sejak me
added by nikki8green6
Source: me:)