Hi every one I have made a new club as Damon Salvatore Kekasih plzz sertai and add new things cuz it's lonely there
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"You are sejak far the greatest thing that ever happened to me in my 173 years on this earth. The fact that I get to die knowing that I was loved. Not just sejak anyone. sejak you, Elena Gilbert." The only thing that he wanted was Elenas love.And now when he finally have it he has gone to the other side. But as soon as he gets back he will run into her arms because they are meant to be... I knew that from the moment i saw them together.
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Damon is my prince in my mind. he's very sexy, hot, bad boy - but cool, funny, have a eagle eyes, gentle, like innocent but really care, mysterious, and lebih bad and cool thing he have! for god sake, marry me damonnnnnnnnnn >.<
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Damon is everything what a girl can wish : Hot, goodlooking, smart, funny, gentle, caring but at the same time badboy, mysterious,seductive, has a dark side = perfect combination ;) Ps: Ian has the most beautiful baby blue eyes in the world!
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This is so true and beautifully said! Damon is the most complex, deep and complicated character ever (and Ian portrays that perfectly)! He is so broken that he has problems dealing with his emotions and he acts out to emotionally protect himself, but he has a good heart, is extremely selfless and loves unconditionally. Damon is perfect (in his imperfection – what makes him very real) in attractiveness and looks as well as in character and personality, but he believes himself to be worth nothing, what prevents him from behaving like he is better than the rest – and Damon truly is the best. Elena has the best beloved, with whom she shares mutual true love, and he is restlessly devoted to her, will forever deeply and unconditionally Cinta her and always puts her happiness and safety first.hampir setahun yang lalu
Oh damn yes. I am in Cinta with him. And I literally Cinta how he is. In the beginning of TVD I literally hated him but when I saw deep down inside his character it made me Cinta him.hampir setahun yang lalu
“But that’s not good with Damon, who announces that he’s chosen to let her go for her own sake, knowing that he will never change who he is. Ian Somerhalder is excellent here, genuinely screeching some of his lines, and leaving Elena in tears.” — link
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“ETonline: This season also features a Damon we haven’t seen before. What was it like Penulisan for Damon in love? Dries: When I sat down to write Damon happy, I was like, “Oh my god!" [laughs] I had no idea what he sounded like as a happy character. Damon’s never been in a relationship; he’s slept with girls and had girl/boy dynamics in his storyline, but he’s never been overtly open about his feelings. But he’s still Damon.
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That’s what Elena signed on for. anda don’t start dating Mick Jagger and suddenly hope he becomes this other person. anda get the rockstar. I think episode one is a good balance of him being loving towards Elena without giving up who he is.hampir setahun yang lalu
Damon’s a character who’s been driven sejak feeling like he’s not worthy of love. Now that he’s on the receiving end of that love, what will that mean for him? link
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Can we expect any bigger emotional moments from damon? Carina MacKenzie I heard from a friend on set that episode 22 is a huge one for Ian, so I’m guessing yes. link
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i feel like people treat ripper stefan and bunny eater stefan as two people but with damon whether he has his humanity on atau not they treat him the same. that’s not fair.
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Whats up, I just recently joined this club The Originals, and it really needs some help, fans, maintenance etc... so if anda all don't mind spreading that TVD love...JOIN!! Anyway see anda all later...
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“Of course, I Cinta that Damon and Elena are together — atau at least, were, before her humanity switcheroo turned her into some kind of evil soulless Heather. I think it’s about time that Damon’s feelings be requited, and all the complications their relationship has suffered this season have only made them stronger.” — link
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“TV Boyfriends Who Ruin Your Real-Life Relationships Damon Salvatore, The Vampire Diaries: The Guy Who Loves anda So Much, He’ll Give anda Up” — link
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link hei all ...please rally behind a fellow fanpopper and vote for TRACEY LEE MAXWELL ...MAJOR pujian TO THOSE WHO DO!
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Has Damon made mistakes? Yes. Has he hurt the people he loves? Yes. Has he killed humans? Yes. Has he done stuff that has won him hatred? Yes. Sure Damon is snarky, stubborn and headstrong but he is also this honest devoted guy with a beautiful selfless soul who has changed because of Cinta and for love. He has fought for love, redemption, forgiveness, family. He has always taken he punches for himself n played hero without asking for anything in return. That is y Damon Salvatore is perfect <3
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i like damon when his eyes are bloody and when he compels people go damon go damon D A M O N what does that spell damon S A 1 V A T O R E what does that spell damon salvatore go damon salvatore
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hei damon salvatorere right now im watching season 2 vampire diaries when anda are makingout with rose and kathrine in tomb last night was vampire diarie night for my sister and i elenas cries kathrine Membaca the petrova book found a drawing of her and her family before klaus killed her family when she turned into a vampire elijahs back poor guy got staked in the heart]
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I know Damon was 24 when he met Katherine in 1864, but do anda think he Lost his virginity to her? It just seems to me that as a human, Damon was so sweet and romantic and gentlemanly (and kind of shy around the women it seemed) that it might be what happened. Thoughts?
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Humm, I highly doubt Damon was a virgin, his father berkata that he was depraved so I don't think he was innocent, and he slept with Katherine first, so apparently he wasn't wasting any time. But it was probably the first time he was in Cinta so he was very vulnerable and sweet. Now Stefan definitely Lost his virginity to Kat, he was only 17 after all!hampir setahun yang lalu
BTW Ian and Kevin both berkata in interviews that Damon was a young man of 22-23 when he was involved with Katherine.(it was a the comic con for season 1, a peminat asked why Damon Cinta Katherine that much?)hampir setahun yang lalu
hei guys! Vote for Ian in the PCA! Apparently, Stelena and well, Stefan peminat-peminat are voting like crazy for Paul, so we have to vote vote vote for Ian!!!!
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Damon is a character who, his whole life -- as a vampire and as a human -- was looking for Cinta and acceptance, and for someone to finally say, "Hey, you're good enough." He finally gets that from Elena, and now he has to soalan it. He wants to believe it's real. link
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That's what we've been waiting for... for Damon to be happy, JUST ONCE. And know, it will be taken away from him again :/ Oh.. how emotionally invested I am in this character xDhampir setahun yang lalu
anda know … I Cinta Stefan, but goddammit if I don’t always feel bad for Damon every single time Elena breaks his heart, which is often. He’s so tragic, but his intentions are so good, and he’s such an ultimate romantic at heart, which is totally unappreciated sejak pretty much everyone. I think Elena kind of gets it, which is one of the only things that makes sense to me about why Damon loves her so much.
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Indeed.... it's hard to like Stefan when he always get a free pass for everything he does, but Damon always gets blamed. I WANNA like Stefan, but I just can't (not to mention that he is being a hypocrite: "I'd do anything for Elena" to Klaus this episode... while he just let her die. No, I can't get over that.). DAMON'S THE BEST CHARACTER EVER.hampir setahun yang lalu
What difference does it make? Because in the end, when anda lose somebody every candle, every prayer is not gonna make up for the fact that the only thing that anda have left is a hole in your life where that somebody that anda cared about used to be.
omg! this was such an heartbreaking scene ....epic in the same way ... poor Damon , he's mourning Alaric ...his friend who btw died in his arms :( the who episode he berkata 'this kerusi, tempat duduk is taken' if anda think about it ...I wanna cry all over again :/
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anda can't go wrong with them they are like the hottest males on earth that i know and like ive also got lebih that i wanted to add to that komen but i couldnt think of theam but i remember its HUNTER HAYES,JOSH HUTCHERSON (i dont know if i spelled his last name right) and JASON ALDEAN with JARED PADALECKIhampir setahun yang lalu
hei all, I'm not sure if any of anda guys go here but the vampire-dairies.net forum will be closing in a week atau two. I am going around to the different TVD Fanpop spots to see if there is anyone that would like to start a new VD forum site. It's a big undertaking and Mods are needed and with the new season about to start we need a place to talk about it.. So if anda ever thought about starting one atau would like to help just send me a pm here. I hope to hear from ya'll soon
Finally something Damon... after all this time of nothing.. Damon's back in the webclip <3 Mad at Stefan, of course xD
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hey!! I'm confused after saw the season 3 last episode that DID DAMON LOSE HIS MEMORY?? plz guys ans this....coz I m so confused abt tht!!
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No he didn't, he compelled Elena to forget that they had met before the accident and also to get everything she wants in life. Then he left and when they crossed path again he let her believe he was Stefan's annoying brother she first met at the boarding house.hampir setahun yang lalu
i just watched the video for tvd at comic con. julie plec berkata ian somerhalder is the most amazing person she met, steven r mcqueen is a goofball, nina dobrev could rule the world if she wanted to lol, &paul wesley is hilarious. they asked zach roerig what it felt like to be the only human, mcqueen berkata "hey i'm human. i see dead people but im still human!" LOL CHECK IT OUT at ian and damon's website www.damon-salvatore.com
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"He's not going to be pining. Season two and three, he did everything they wanted him to do. He tried to be the person they wanted him to be and guess what? It didn't work. None of it worked. He's basically saying now, "This is who I am, like it atau not. "
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I think there is a lot of Damon's story that has been untold. I would like to do an episode where we make it a Damon-centered episode. We're going to give it a shot doing that at some point this tahun where we are going to go back maybe the 40's atau 70's to really see Damon in his element - Damon being Damon without everybody else around watching him. link
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I would Cinta to see a Damon-centered episode. I hope it won't be a let down like the episode "1912" which was supposed to be Damon centered, but it really wasn't all that centered on Damon at all.hampir setahun yang lalu
OMG!!! i can't even begin to tell anda how much devotion i have for this AMAZING creature known only as damon salvatore!, my Cinta for him knows NO boundries!!! he is in everyway PERFECT!!!!! LUV U 4EVA DAMON!!!!!!!
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Just a reminder: TEEN CHOICE AWARDS: Vote Joseph morgan for Villain Vote Michael Trevino for Scene Stealer Male Vote Candice Accola for Scene Stealer Female Vote The Vampire Diaries for Fantasy/Sci-Fi Vote Nina Dobrev for Actress Fantasy/Sci-Fi Vote Ian Somerhalder for Actor Fantasy/Sci-Fi Vote Ian Somerhalder for Male Hottie *Remember to VOTE EVERYDAY and tell your friends!
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Damon: anda want a Cinta that consumes you. anda want passion and adventure, and even a little danger... I want anda to get everything you're looking for. But for right now, I want anda to forget that this happened. Can't have people knowing I'm in town yet. Goodnight, Elena.
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