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Danny Gokey Is anyone else annoyed when people come to this spot just to bash Danny?!

11 fans picked:
No, I don't care.
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Kind of...
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 BeSafe posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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BeSafe picked Yes!:
LOL okay so I answered my own question, but seriously if people don't like him they don't have to come here, why just come here to be mean and annoy the Danny fans. I hate it!
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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jarik picked Yes!:
I don't know why people would be bashing Danny. He's a talented and decent gentleman. If he doesn't get a record contract after American Idol I will be shocked. He's the one person who deserves to have a sucessfull singing career.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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BeSafe picked Yes!:
I know right?! It doesn't make any sense but they do and it annoys me! I will also be very shocked if he doesn't get a record deal as I think he is amazing and as you say he deserves it the most! He is very talented and very kind, but people are mean to him...I truly don't understand it.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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BeSafe picked Yes!:
^^I completely agree! It's horrible that people can't like who they want without fear of rude people coming and bashing them! And what a complete waste of time really? I find it sad that people would actually waste their time just going over to a community based on someone they dislike to say rude stuff, how sad must they be to do that?!
And I agree, these rude people have so much power, they don't know what kind of emotionally un-stable person might be reading those comments and do something harmful!
I never wander over to the spots of people I dislike to say rude things...why would I? So I would at least hope they could have the same respect to do that as well!
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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labi-has-ocd picked Yes!:
i agree ! everyone entitled to like different things and have their own opinions.. and i think it is wrong to go round bashing somethind just coz u dnt like it.. if u dont like danny then there no need to come onto this spot.. just leave it for the fans like us :)
its horrible to think tht u cant voice your opinion without geting yelled at or bashed for liking something !
we all need to respect that everone is different and were not all going to like the same things. :)
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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BeSafe picked Yes!:
^^Couldn't have said it any better myself =)
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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TeeFly picked Yes!:
I kind of feel like get a life. Only reason you would be here just to bash someone is if you are totally jealous of them.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.