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Dean Martin Soalan

When did anda become a peminat of Dean? And how were anda introduced to him?

I just became a peminat of him earlier this year. I was a big Sinatra fan, so obviously I have to come across Dino. It was until about a bulan lalu that I began to like Dean lebih than Frank. Now I can't get enough of Dino!
Since I was young, my father introduced me. Born in 1960 I Cinta the oldies He to me is the best.
Dinoforever posted hampir setahun yang lalu
He knows how to sing a song, such talent. he has his own style
Dinoforever posted hampir setahun yang lalu
Hi Dinoforever - My name is Hannah. I am a docuementary producer on PBS. We are looking for an old Dean Martin episode to use in a documentary and I'm wondering if anda have a copy in your collection? We have tried all the major TV archives and no one has it. So now I am reaching out to peminat-peminat in the hopes someone taped the episode. Thanks for your help!
HannahPBS posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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Dean Martin Jawapan

DramaQueen1020 said:
My family's mostly Italian and we listen to a lot of Dino and Andrea Boccelli at my grandparents house. I've always loved That's Amore, and I just started listening to lebih of his songs. I don't remember the first time I heard him, I Cinta Dino!
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 My family's mostly Italian and we listen to a lot of Dino and Andrea Boccelli at my grandparents house. I've always loved That's Amore, and I just started listening to lebih of his songs. I don't remember the first time I heard him, I Cinta Dino!
posted hampir setahun yang lalu 
HousesCane posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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