Dexter's Laboratory a Emo poem to be a peminat of

lovedeath26 posted on May 21, 2009 at 09:25PM

My Eyes
I stare to the madness, I see just my pain,
it staring me back, drowning me in the sadness...

My tears flow, blinding me, just for vain,
for no reason, my mind falling to the emptiness...

I stare in the mirror, once again,
I see my eyes, I see mirrors of madness..

Follow my tears down the road
You’ll find me somewhere at the end
Where all hope is faded
Happiness is overrated

Down the road
You’ll look and see
Everything I used to be
Scattered around
Battered up
And fucked up

Don’t look down
Don’t look up
It can’t be avoided forever
The proof is all around

Down the road
You’ll look and see
Everything I used to be
Scattered around
Battered up
And fucked up

I tried to turn around
But theres too many mess ups I’d have to re visit
I rather keep walking
Hope it leads to somewhere better
Just forget my face
You look at me like you love me but I see that you dont. You look at me like something you need. But I know its all a lie. If you really love me, when I turn around you will stab me in the back and let me die
My happy place
I wake up in a dark cold room. It takes me a few minutes to grasp that this is my room. I wait for some one to come and get me but nothing. No email, no text, no call, not anything. It looks like every one has forgotten me for today. I decide to go to the next room, it is the same room as before. I keep running through all the rooms but they are all the same. At one point I see a TV. with two buttons under it. One says gun and the other poison. I hit the gun button under the TV it shows were it is. It is on the table in the next room. I put the gun to my head and I cock it. At that point I realize that I am like a lab rat being poked and being cut to see what makes me tick. I think of all the people who love me, my family, they don’t like me they despise me. My friends, phh, what friends they are loser’s like me that no one likes. With cut’s on my wrist’s and all dressed in black I pull the trigger, click.
I wake up, the sun is in my face. Maybe next time I can have a bullet.
I’m standing up.
My eyes at shut.
Darkness is around me.
I can feel that their is some one in front of me.
I can feel their breath on me.
I’m afraid to open my eyes.
I can feel their eyes looking in to my soul
I’m afraid of what they will see.
My darkness, my hope, my dreams, my fear, every thing that makes me me.
I open my eyes and I’m looking in the mirror.
I’m afraid of myself.
Is life worth living if you are your own enemy.
I fight with my self every day and I all ways lose.
I come home bleeding and thinking of death.
I cant wait to death comes and gets me Ill greet it with open arms.
In to then ill just have to hope

Dexter's Laboratory No balas