Dexter's Laboratory Krismas song!

mad056 posted on Nov 28, 2010 at 01:51AM
Guys i am about to plead my heart out to get this one tv ad from dexter and deedee Please Help me! I really want it

where can I find a download for the Christmas song of Dee Dee from "Dexter's Laboratory". It goes like this,
I wanna be a pop-star...
I wanna be a pop-star...
like Britney and Madonna
on Christmas this year...

Dexter's Laboratory 2 balas

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hampir setahun yang lalu madlask said…
Been searching on it for hours, prolly no ones ever recorded it. It just used to relay on the tv and then poof, its gone.
hampir setahun yang lalu FlameLasagna said…
This is a REALLY late response but I only JUST found the video you're looking for on an old vhs recording. I've uploaded it on YouTube here:

last edited hampir setahun yang lalu