"Taboo, Three Illusions" The battle between Skinn Bolic and Kanda continues. hei both release their full powers, but Kanda is getting beat. However, when a hidden power emerges from Kanda, things may change...
"Kanda Engages in Battle" Kanda and Marie sertai the team at Edo. Kanda takes on Tyki's tricks to save Lenalee from his clutches. Meanwhile, Marie helps Krory and Bookman defeat the Level 3 Akuma.
"The Fallen One" Lenalee recounts the first time she witnessed a Fallen One, and Allen tries to save Suman, eventually understanding why Suman became a Fallen One.
"Invasion" A Level-3 Akuma attacks the Asian Branch and nearly kills Allen. Bak, Allen and Fou try to flee, but instead end up having to meterai off the area where the demon is, with Fou inside and Allen outside pleading to enter and help.