Diana Rigg Club
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added by TheCountess
Source: Sky + WTTV Productions
added by TheCountess
Source: Sky + WTTV Productions
added by TheCountess
Source: Tim @ MoR
added by TheCountess
Source: horix.free.fr / Canal+ IMAGE UK Ltd
added by TheCountess
Source: Canal+ IMAGE UK Ltd
posted by victoriaprother
The Mrs Bradley Mysteries was a short running BBC drama series starring Diana Rigg as Mrs Adela Bradley and Neil Dudgeon as chauffeur George Moody. The series ran between 1998 and 2000, consisting of five episodes and the pilot, it was based on the character created sejak the detective writer Gladys Mitchell.
Diana Rigg gives a glorious performance in each episode. The classy, sarcastic, poised and extremely observant Mrs Bradley is styled beautifully in glamorous art deco fashion making the series a visual delight. Her costumes alone are worth tuning in for.
Mrs Bradley's 'piece to camera'...
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added by MrsEmmaPeel
Source: The Sun
added by TheCountess
added by TheCountess
added by TheCountess
added by TheCountess
Source: jsrpages.co.uk
added by TheCountess
Source: WENN
added by TheCountess
added by TheCountess
Source: awesomemoviegifs.blogspot.com
added by stevieme
Source: various
added by TheCountess
Source: TheCountess
added by TheCountess
Source: TheCountess
added by TheCountess
Source: TheCountess
added by TheCountess