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added by lauramaria2468
Source: lauramaria2468
added by lauramaria2468
Source: lauramaria2468
added by HuddyJoy0524
added by TheCrystalRing
Source: Disney, Victor Hugo/Working Title, and I
added by sturmelle15
Source: Me
added by chesire
Source: chesire
added by CaterdayGirl
Source: CaterdayGirl
added by bugbyte98
Source: bugbyte98
added by pretty_angel92
Source: larocka84
added by haynay24
added by CaterdayGirl
Source: CaterdayGirl
added by bocka
added by ponyboyjohnny
Source: made sejak me
added by ponyboyjohnny
Source: made sejak 95jeh from deviantart
added by ponyboyjohnny
Source: made sejak youtuber faithrivens
posted by hHutchy

chesire suggested that i should post the whole story here so it would be easier to read instead of having to locate all of the different pictures with the story.

This is a very short story..

About Cinta at first sight!

Its also about Tinkerbell who,
The whole time is trying to make Stitch jealous but he isn't seen until after Tinkerbell has all of her fun.

She use's Timon and Mushu which ruins their friendship...

so here it is :) ENJOY

(All pictures were made sejak Me)
(Story also created sejak me)
 This is a very short story about the two best Friends Mushu and Timon, they had a friendship so strong. But that all changed one day.
This is a very short story about the two best friends Mushu and Timon, they had a friendship so strong. But that all changed one day.
 They met Tinkerbell, the most beautiful fairy of them all. Little did they know, she was ugly on the inside.
They met Tinkerbell, the most beautiful fairy of them all. Little did they know, she was ugly on the inside.
 Cinta at first sight! Mushu greeted Tink with a friendly handshake. While Timon tried to hide his Cinta with a fake, I Don’t Care Smile.
Love at first sight! Mushu greeted Tink with a friendly handshake. While Timon tried to hide his love with a fake, I Don’t Care Smile.
 With a WICKED smile Tink decided to trial the boys.
With a WICKED smile Tink decided to trial the boys.
 On the first date, Mushu shows Tink how to have fun.
On the first date, Mushu shows Tink how to have fun.
 The first tarikh with Timon, he took her to a cliff and pushed her into the lake, He jumped after her.
The first date with Timon, he took her to a cliff and pushed her into the lake, He jumped after her.
 Mushu makes Tinkerbell try new and exotic foods.
Mushu makes Tinkerbell try new and exotic foods.
 Timon holds onto Tinks foot as the two happily hayun, swing back and forth.
Timon holds onto Tinks foot as the two happily swing back and forth.
 Tink doesn’t want her feet to get wet, so being such a gentleman, Mushu goes all out of his way to keep them dry.
Tink doesn’t want her feet to get wet, so being such a gentleman, Mushu goes all out of his way to keep them dry.
 Tinkerbell smiles and tells Timon that she absolutely LOOOOOOVES dancers.
Tinkerbell smiles and tells Timon that she absolutely LOOOOOOVES dancers.
 Tink playing games tells Mushu that she LIIIIIIKES Brave men.
Tink playing games tells Mushu that she LIIIIIIKES brave men.
 Tink’s Friends and family disapprove of what she’s doing and they Tell her to stop. But being a ***** she gets mad.
Tink’s friends and family disapprove of what she’s doing and they Tell her to stop. But being a ***** she gets mad.
 Smiles and Kisses are shared after Tink tells Timon he’s the one she wants to be with forever.
Smiles and Kisses are shared after Tink tells Timon he’s the one she wants to be with forever.
 Mushu is FURIOUS that Tinkerbell chose Timon, he is out for vengeance.Tinkerbell looks out to her yard to see Mushu chasing Timon around, She is not impressed… She Leaves.
Mushu is FURIOUS that Tinkerbell chose Timon, he is out for vengeance.Tinkerbell looks out to her yard to see Mushu chasing Timon around, She is not impressed… She Leaves.
 After all of the Hub ub Mushu leave Timon alone. The two spot Tinkerbell walking off with Stitch. They cry as they watch her walk off with Stitch. She was off to ruin another life.
After all of the Hub ub Mushu leave Timon alone. The two spot Tinkerbell walking off with Stitch. They cry as they watch her walk off with Stitch. She was off to ruin another life.
 Timon and Mushu vowel to never let a girl come between them again.
Timon and Mushu vowel to never let a girl come between them again.
 Yeah Right!!!!!
Yeah Right!!!!!
 The End
The End
added by ArielandEric
Source: ArielandEric
added by JefefrsonFan99
Source: Dr Seuss
added by alexpatterson
added by alexpatterson