Deliver Us
5.Joseph, King of Dreams(never saw it)
4.Sinbad, Legend of the Seven Seas(it was okay I guess, but the 3D was terrible)
3.Spirit(I remember liking this movie, but I hardly remember it)
2.The Road to El Dorado(I know this probably isn't the best movie that dreamworks made but I've watched it since I was 4 atau something and its so funny, if anda expect to feel emotion during this movie, I wont get your hopes up its lebih of an adventure comedy like movie)
1.Prince of Eygpt(I just watched this film very recentley and it was really good, sometimes during this movie i want to bawl my eyes out and others times and get chills. The animasi is also good especially in the scene about god and the thing with the nile.)
4.Sinbad, Legend of the Seven Seas(it was okay I guess, but the 3D was terrible)
3.Spirit(I remember liking this movie, but I hardly remember it)
2.The Road to El Dorado(I know this probably isn't the best movie that dreamworks made but I've watched it since I was 4 atau something and its so funny, if anda expect to feel emotion during this movie, I wont get your hopes up its lebih of an adventure comedy like movie)
1.Prince of Eygpt(I just watched this film very recentley and it was really good, sometimes during this movie i want to bawl my eyes out and others times and get chills. The animasi is also good especially in the scene about god and the thing with the nile.)