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Elf Is Elf your kegemaran movie ever?

38 fans picked:
 cathead4 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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cathead4 picked Yes:
I think yes because it is the best Christmas movie ever!!!!
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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Catastrophe picked Yes:
I have seen this movie so many times its not funny... I say lines from this movie 24/7 and I've gotten so many people hooked on it... I feel weird talking to someone who hasn't seen this movie because every one of my friends has seen it at least 2 times with me
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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Mallory101 picked No:
i luv it but its not my favorite
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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fireworks123 picked No:
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jedigal1990 picked No:
agreed i really love this movie its my favorite christmas film but its not my favorite movie ever
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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caligurl16 picked No:
I think its my fave christmas movie but not my fave overall movie!
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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Lackson4ever85 picked Yes:
Its my favorite chrismas movie forever<3
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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RaichuKFM picked No:
It is at least one of my favorites, but I can't decide what my overall is
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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makaida picked No:
I think that it is the bst christmas movie ever but not by favorite move...
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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pumpkinqueen picked No:
no my favorite movie is the nightmare before christmas.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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Ilovebaxter picked Yes:
It's one of my fav. movies ever! :D
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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1darcyfan picked No:
I love this movie but it's not my favorite.... it's up there though!
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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ecpjll picked No:
not ever...but it's up there.
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.
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skilletfreak291 picked Yes:
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ord picked Yes:
Well my fav CHRISTMAS movie, yes
posted hampir setahun yang lalu.