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Hi I thought I'd create some nice, unusual user-names for people who want something different and unidentifiable. hope anda enjoy reading, and that anda use some of these nama pengguna ideas:) Could anda please become a peminat of me and komen on this:D thankyou xxxx
Of course these user-names may already be taken. If so, then just add a number/nickname on the end. atau anda can take some words, re-arrange and improvise:)
The ones with the * beside them are my favourites:)
Enjoy x
WoundedNight *...
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added by AshleyDawnX
added by EdenLestrange
Source: ira, vampira, emo, girl, scene, queen, make up, hair, pastel goth, gothic, cosplay, anime, manga, wh
added by ShawnSaysHi
added by EdenLestrange
Source: ira, vampira, emo, girl, scene, queen, make up, hair, pastel goth, gothic, cosplay, anime, manga, wh
added by mukeshsingh
Source: mukesh
added by emobeth
Source: Me and my mom on my bday
added by asoftcreature
added by asoftcreature
Source: instagram.com/asoftcreature
added by metalnaunx
added by AnastasiaAnime
added by EmoSceneKid
added by bvbmary15
added by ParamoreGirl
posted by Mallory101
The night was falling
And the stars are tunjuk up
My hati, tengah-tengah is still weak and cold
I try to defeated with the shadow
But I can’t
Is this the only way I can find my true love?
Sitting here all alone
Watching the stars
Hoping for the sign
The night was falling slowly
And the stars are tunjuk up
And my cold hati, tengah-tengah still searching for something
My lonely soul is Lost in the darkness
Try to find the way home
My fallen Angel is Lost in my embrace forever
I see anda in my dreams, dark angel
My Cinta is belong only in your dreams
There is nothing to do with it
I am just shadow
Who is always hidden from the light
My cold heart...
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added by reckless_rebels
Source: lilly
added by katthegat
Source: @katthegat
added by AshleyDawnX
added by jaxsky1
Source: devil was once an Angel </3
added by jaxsky1
Source: jax sky