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Erza X Jellal Soalan

do anda think jellal is gonna be out of prison someday?

it passed 7 years and nothing abou him :(
 cristina140 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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Erza X Jellal Jawapan

camiile said:
I want to ask anda one thing. Are anda watching the Anime and not Membaca the manga? If yes, I would like to recommend to read the Manga and you'll get the answer there. I don't want to be a spoiler so go ahead, read it. :)
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wishey said:
The Anime is doing a filler ark right now, and that's why they haven't mentioned him. anda need to read the manga. Trust me, chapter 264 will make anda extremely happy
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lubasakura said:
yep now in the Anime Jellal is out from Prison :D you'll Cinta episode 154. it was sooo cute <3 <3 <3
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