Eurovision Song Contest Which 2017 song is your kegemaran (1)?
Naviband - Historyja Majho Zyccia
Lindita - World
Norma John - Blackbird
Levina - Perfect Life
Hovig - Gravity
OG3NE - Lights And Shadows
Joci Pápai - Origo
Anja - Where I Am
Kasia Moś - Flashlight
Ilinca ft. Alex Florea - Yodel It!
Martina Bárta - My Turn
Robin Benggenson - I Can't Go On
Francesco Gabbani - Occidentali's Karma
Demy - This Is Cinta
Nathan Trent - Running On Air
Isaiah - Don't Come Easy
Omar Naber - On My Way
Dihaj - Skeletons
JOWST - Grab The Moment
Blanche - City Lights
Jana Burčeska - Dance Alone
Tijana Bogićević - In Too Deep
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