Fantage Club
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posted by karinabrony
 Fantage Pets
Fantage Pets
Here are all of the codes to the pets in Fantage.

Pebbles Family: Starter Egg
Mumbo: Low Light + Medim Temp.
Weebo: Medium Light + Warm Temp.
Jimbo: High Light + Medium Temp.
Tombo: Low Light + Cool Temp.
Rumbo: High Light + Cool Temp.

Cosmos Family: Sunshine Egg
Rocki: Low Light + Warm Temp.
Poofi: Medium Light + Warm Temp.
Sparkli: Medium Light + Medium Temp.
Charmi: Low Light + Cool Temp.
Beami: Highest Light + Medium Temp.

Fairies Family: orange bintang Egg
Mylo: Low Light + Medium Temp.
Shylo: Highest Light + Cool Temp.
Lolo: Highest Light + Warm Temp.
Ceelo: Medium Light + Cool Temp.
Halo: High Light + Warm...
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posted by ssook78
but they did this they killed them but until they were ghost and the both zombies ate ssook and ozes mom and dad brains and killed them they both cried there mom and dad became ghosts but mirabelle and shailar was so mad that they killed Haiwan and humans until one screamed and some humans dident know what was goinng on me and oz were scared but then something came to us find out wat it is on scary story #4 what they said:
oz and ssook:AHHHHH!!
mirabelle and sailar: *kills oz and ssook*
ssook and oz: *becomes ghost*
mirabelle and shailar:*kills oz and ssooks mom and dad*
sook and oz mom and dad:*becomes ghost*
mirabelle and shailar:arghhhh *kills every animal and humans*
all humans:*looks at lady*
to be contunied......
and then someone saved and that was my dad?! O_O dad?! WHAT?! anyways he killed all the zombies but did he? atau did he not! find out what they berkata O_O:
oz: *looks* OH MY GOSH!
my dad: *kills all zombies* *saves sook and oz*
me: wee
*my dad brings us back to my house*
me: i think we should stay here maybe theyll come back
oz: yea
me; *locks and closes everything
both oz and my dad: O_O
me: AHHH!!
both me and oz: AHHH!
all of us: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to be contunied.............
posted by donteatmyjello
First off, this would be sooo much easier to learn in anda just go on YouTube and search: "How to fly on Fantage". And anda will get tons of help from hundreds of people, and anda can SEE how they do it.
But anda clicked on this article, so I hope I will please anda and I hope this is helpful. :)


When at downtown, in a shop, at a person's house, where ever, anda can fly. And it's super easy.
First, click on your inventory.
Then press the tab button on your key board a bunch of times.
You will see this yellow box moving around the screen.

If you're at downtown, anda may not see it.

If you're at...
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posted by donteatmyjello
Fantage has done it again.
They're messing up.
First with Captian Cody, and with the tree.
Thousands are complaining that their pokok isn't growing. The funny thing is, I have two accounts. And the first time Captian Cody came, one of my accounts pokok grew, and I got the Captian Cody board. But my other account's pokok didn't grow. Then recently, non of my trees have been growing. And I am missing out on the item. :(
But here's where Fantage is messing up, yet again.
The turkey games they just released, some of them wont load. And it has brought me to grumble all over again. (rawr)
So if your games not loading, don't worry. Fantage SHOULD fix it. atau worse, it will be just like Captian Cody and the tree.
Fantage, get yourself together. -_-

FILLIN' UP angkasa HEHE!
If you're a non (like me), and anda have all the clothes that anda can buy in all the shops (that are available for nons), like I do, then here is a guide to what-to-wear.

WARNING: (heh not really) Just as a heads up, some of the clothes can't be bought now, and anda might not have them. So it helps if your account is at least a tahun old.

HOPE THIS HELPS! And I hope my huraian of the clothes are clear. komen any soalan :)



HAIR... Blur afro (RARE)
SHIRT... Long blue sleeved baju (Oasis Bazaar)
PANTS... Light blue jeans (with a boot cut, not
the new dark skinny jeans)
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posted by lpala12387
 Vintage emas
Vintage Gold
O.M.G.!! The new vintage kedai has opened and anda could vote for any item that anda want put back on fantage. Anything! Even Blonde BB Hair!!! Awesome right, but it costs A LOT! 10,000 for anything they bring back. Cool right? Here is the picture to prove :D They even have betas being brought back!!! Its so fun to play fantage. Vintage emas replaced trade n' sell.So earn stars and buy membership real fast, cause all this stuff is 4 a limited time. Now every and I mean every member and non-member can be as good as civic_princess and pinkstardust :D we could even be better ;) They are selling betas, even merah jambu dont got all the betas but we could. So all of the people who think they are lame n' stuff on fantage nows your chance to be the best. I wrote this for my bff wishes116. Everyone bullies her. So when I heard about this I told her and now she has ALL the awesome stuff. So stop bulling my bff! Shes the best and is really awesome so back off her :D Bye peeps see ya later:)
So the obvious is, get lebih stars.
But one thing is, most of the non's clothes area bit... ugly.
Sure there's some cute clothes, like thay yellow skirt, atau that orange bob.
But lets face it, people like to judge other people sejak their appearances. It's wrong, but when anda try out for family tryouts, atau Ms. fantage, chances are, you're going to need some nice clothes.
Something that will WOW the host.
Also, having a wider selection of clothes is very important in bahagian, atas Models, atau fashion shows.

So how do anda get some better clothes.
Mix in some mem clothes of course!
You don't even need to be a mem to...
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posted by awesomme1
Ok, my sister is thirteen. She acts like she does not want to go on her account on fantage at all. Ther's just one thing!!! I can tell she wants to, but she is scared of being made fun of. I believe that anda can play Fantage if anda are 16!!! If anda really want to play, get an acount on Fantage and don't tell anyone!!! I don't think your age should control your life!! I am 11 years old but my mind is 3, except the stuff I learn in school. So basically what I'm saying is DON'T LET AGE DETERMINE WHAT anda DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by dardarvinxxx
 fantage costumes
fantage costumes
hei on and enter the world of is for boyz and can do fashion shows and earn starz.then anda spend the starz on cool new stuff like furniture,clothes,costumes,outfits,shoes,and many go fantage right now!!!fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantagefantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantagefantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantag fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantagefantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantagefantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantagefantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantagefantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantagefantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantagefantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage fantage
 fantage signs
fantage signs
 coloring sheets
coloring sheets
posted by donteatmyjello
So when I get bored, I go on the computer.
Once I'm on the computer, I go on Fantage.
Once I'm on Fantage, I'm thinking "Now what?".
I made a senarai of fun, Rawak things to do on Fantage, that anda might have already tried.
But some of them, anda might never have tried it before. I hope anda enjoy, and feel free to komen any other ideas :)


Host a...

-Family tryout
-boyfriend/girlfriend tryout (VB, "free guys"
"Free Gjrls")
-Kid tryout
-Sister/brother tryout
-Pet tryout
-Fashion show/Miss Fantage
-Make out party (Say "MAZE OUT PARTY MY PLCCC...")
-What not to wear (Judge people's...
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HEY! This is part 2!
Check out my earlier artikel on the colors.
Also, as a repeat: These are clothes that nons can get. Make sure your account is at least a tahun old, and also some of these items anda can't get any more.
So results may very :)

Comment any soalan anda have, and sorry if I miss a theme atau two, let me know what theme anda would like me to cover if I don't bellow.
I'd be glad to help!



HAIR... Red bun (used in the color RED)
OUTFIT... Purple genie dress, W/ yellow stars
SHOES... N/A (Not Available)
BOARD... Blue board, W/ yellow shooting star
ACCESSORY... Dark orang...
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posted by donteatmyjello
Ever saw someone say something, and anda were like,
"Huh? What's that?".
Here's a guide to knowing what those codes really mean! :D Hope anda like!

Code for Girlfriend/Boyfriend, date,mom, dad, etc:

Text 101:

LOL (Laugh Out Loud)

IDK (I Don't Know)

ROFL/ ROTFL (Rolls On Floor Laughing/ Rolls On
The Floor Laughing)

HEHE (Sneaky, giggle)

NON (Someone who isn't a member)

MEM (Someone who IS a member)

TTYL (Talk To anda Later)

LTR (Later [I will see anda later])

ciz (Kiss)

tonques (Tongues, Kiss)

komen any questions!
posted by ssook78
one hari thesse two girls names shailar and mirabelle were walking in the haunted house they heard noises so they ran away but every night they would come and then this one hari the almost got killed but they heard a noise what could it be?to be contunied.....
what they said:ssook:hey mirabelle lets go to a haunted house mirabelle:ok ssook:omg i heard a noise *both runs out* mirabelle that was close ssook:i know right seterusnya hari ssook;*looks at a killer* AHHH!!! mirabelle:OMG! *both runs out *hears noise ssook:omg what was that
posted by donteatmyjello
This just in!
I went on Fantage this morning, like I always do.
And I was walking around, and something wasn't right with my account. They eyes and skin tone had been changed! I was furious! I had to waste stars on my eyes and skin tone AGAIN!
But then on my other account (a non), I had bought mem eyes with Ecoins, AND MY EYES WERE GONE ALSO!
I spent hard earned money on ecoins, and on those eyes, and they were erased! Like, POOF! GONE!
I am angry at Fantage right now! And I refuse to get on!

There's one theory that I believe:
They were working on the Fantage Krismas party, and for some freakin' reason, they messed with everyone's eyes! Maybe everything got 'reset' atau something ridiculous! I don't know what exactly happened, but I hate Fantage for it!

posted by ssook78
the noise was coming from the closest they got killed they were dead until they became zombies! then they almost killed everyone but this girl named oz and ssook (ssook is one of my caters but just call her shailar) oz and ssook tried to killed them and they couldent but they screamed of terror but who knows what they done to them find out seterusnya on scary story #3 what they said:
Rawak guy: *kills shailar and mirabelle
shailar and mirabelle:brains *eats almost all humans brains oz hei zombies looking for us? *tries to kill zombies ssook:*kills them* *tey dont die*
both shailar and mirabelle: argh brains both oz and ssook:AHHHH!!!!! to be contunied...... MWAHAHAHAHA the end ull under stand this story if u read #1
posted by donteatmyjello
Okay guys, stop it.
Here's a little news flash: not every mem is a spoiled rich kid.
Here's another news flash: just because you're a non, doesn't mean you're any less of a person than those mems.
So stop fighting.
Guess what? I'm not a mem.
Guess what else? I have tons of clothes (thanks to ecoins) and sometimes do look like a mem.
Why am I saying this? I'm saying this because anda don't have to buy a membership (for like, what is it? $60? $30?) for a year, and be all "I'm all that!". anda can live off just stars, and some ecoins. Now anda may be thinking, "You probably spend a bunch of money on ecoins!"....
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Look around downtown, and people are asking like crazy, "WHERE IS THE TEETH?" "WHERE IS THE TAIL?" "HELP?!"
Here's your help.
First off, something fishy is going on. I got all the items EXCEPT for the tail. Everyone says the trick atau treat (along with the items) are in the shops. But not EVERY shop. And plus, there are some places that aren't a kedai at all.
Here are the places where I found the teeth, horns, gems, stars, and stickers:
(Not in order. Because the items in each place very from store to store)
Le shop
Stellar Salon
Super Power store (with the super items)

Board Shop
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 Not my account, just sayin' :)
Not my account, just sayin' :)
Bit dramatic? Maybe. But this is a problem that has risen in Fantage that is growing out of control.
And that is, bullying.
First it can easily be just a Rawak hari on fantage, when suddenly this girl comes up to anda and makes this nasty comment. Maybe she's having a bad day, atau maybe, I dunno, I stood out in a way she hated. The point is, what the heck?
Not only have I seen others being treated meanly on Fantage, but I have dealt with it first hand, and here's a couple stories.

I was on my extra account (which is a guy. I know weird, since I am a girl. But he sometimes comes in handy). Any way,...
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