Gary the Gadget Guy (Club Penguin) Club
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added by dylanhauck
Source: 100,999,999,999,999% of power and awesomeness
added by dylanhauck
Source: greate most awesome superhero
posted by dylanhauck
everybody loves him he is awesome he is invinsible he is most powerful faster than anyone and anything he can kill and slay any bad guys on cp
he is garys brother he is most famous he is most smart he is most cool he is legoman20006 he is bionic he has the most powerful super powers
so anda dont want to mess with him and his brother and his friend's if anda try to battle him and try to beat him up he will arrest so dont do any crimes p.s. he promissed to save the pokemon world untill he gets to his world with his brother and his friend's so help him arrest badguys in the pokemon world and his world this is a fact so help him and his brother and his Friends defeat the forces of evil in the pokemon world and in his world so do it
added by dylanhauck
Source: cool power and he is garys brother
added by dylanhauck
Source: APLUS 100%