Gossip girl Cinta triangles
Gossip girl Cinta triangles Updates
a video telah ditambah: Nate and Jenny Cinta Like Mine | hampir setahun yang lalu by CandiceBorgia | |
a comment was made to the poll: Do anda think the Nate/Blair/Chuck segitiga, segi tiga would happen again? | hampir setahun yang lalu by Tasha1993 | |
a comment was made to the poll: If anda could create a Cinta segitiga, segi tiga with Nate and Serena, who would anda create a Cinta segitiga, segi tiga with? | hampir setahun yang lalu by Tasha1993 | |
a comment was made to the poll: How would anda like to see a Dan-Serena-Nate Cinta segitiga, segi tiga play out? | hampir setahun yang lalu by Tasha1993 | |
a comment was made to the poll: Who's Your Fav? | hampir setahun yang lalu by nateandjenny | |
a comment was made to the article: Blair's relationships | hampir setahun yang lalu by nateandjenny | |
a comment was made to the article: Nate Archibald's relationships | hampir setahun yang lalu by nateandjenny | |
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** | hampir setahun yang lalu by Lackson4ever85 | |
a comment was made to the poll: Who loves nate more? | hampir setahun yang lalu by Derena_Brucas | |
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** | hampir setahun yang lalu by Jordanxlittlej | |
a comment was made to the poll: If anda could see a Cinta segitiga, segi tiga happen, which one would anda want to see? | hampir setahun yang lalu by dair |