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Hermione Granger vs Ginny Weasley Who Would Win A Duel

34 fans picked:
 Ash24 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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Ginevraaa picked hermione:
No matter how much I adore Ginny, Hermione's stronger
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lovestars101 picked hermione:
Hermione can do anything when she sets her mind to it…she made ron fall in love with her just by being herself!!(:she can totally win a battle!
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xharrypotterx picked ginny:
Ginny is better at DADA
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EllaKnight picked hermione:
Even though Ginny is one of my favorite characters,
Hermione is WAY stronger,and more quick-witted!
I agree with Ginevraaa
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usernameinvalid picked hermione:
Yeah Ginnys cool but Hermione is stronger
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MissHermione picked hermione:
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This would make for a VERY interesting duel, actually.

I think it would all depend on if Hermione collapses emotionally, with Ginny having a stronger personality. Ginny is also more intuitive. Hermione has more knowledge of spells, however, but Ginny would probably put more conviction in her spells... So I really don't know on this one. I think on some days, Hermione would win, and on some, Ginny.

Though I'm personally rooting for Ginny ;D
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eponinematilda picked hermione:
Ginny is great at hexes, but Hermione is just a bit better and smarter at duels, but it would be close.
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cutiena1325 picked hermione:
Hermione obviously!
For Ginny..Fuck you! What is being good at quidditch or being powerful if your mind sucks!
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