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Hook Soalan

Does Hook really kidnap everyone that goes to Neverland?

I've seen stories from people who've went to Neverland and they berkata you're most likely gonna get kidnapped. (though peter always saves you)
It honestly depends. If anda do end up going to Neverland, I would stay away from the pirates. That was a mistake that I made when I first started going and I eventually was kidnapped once atau twice. Luckily, Peter helped me out. Some of my other Friends have been to Never
theaterkid15 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
-land and they have never been kidnapped.
theaterkid15 posted hampir setahun yang lalu
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Hook Jawapan

kateen1 said:
This is a movie after all full of magical mystery rollercoast fun Fantasi and laughter a fairytale dark and light and spirtual
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