Human Rights Club
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added by Cinders
Source: Indiana universiti School of Law
Listening to the Instant Karma CD, I started thinking about Darfur and how there were all kinds of Sudanese refugees all over Egypt, having been expelled from their country atau left it willingly for a variety of different reasons. I remember, a friend of mine went down to help them learn English every weekend as one of her many community service projects. And then that reminded me of going down to Mokattam to see the orphanage.

Mokattam, colloquially called “Garbage City” sejak everyone from residents of Mokattam to tour guides, is a place past the Cairo citadel where there are literally piles...
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added by Sunflower
added by Sunflower
added by Cinders
Source: Lift Off: menyeberang, cross Borders Human Rights Education Initiative For Primary Schools
added by Cinders
A new front is opening up in the Darfur conflict with janjaweed militias now targeting villagers in Chad. Thousands are so desperate, they're fleeing to Darfur.
human rights
united nations
added by Cinders
Source: Medi Belortaja of Albania
Fannie Lou Hamer: Speech To The DNC 1964. I made this video because no one had a video of this important speech. Never forget these Brave americans who fought to be first class citizens.
fannie lou hamer
added by alyssa-lauren
This tahun for Fanpop Human Rights Awareness Month, I am doing an ikon theme. I want to have four Human Rights ikon Contests (one for every week of December), with different themes for each week.

November 27-December 7: The first theme will be World AIDS day, which is December 1st. This contest will start now, and go until December 6th. Voting will occur on the 7th.
December 8-December 14: The saat theme will be Celebrate Human Rights, in accordance with the theme for link on December 10. This contest will start on the 8th, and go until the 13th. Voting occurs on the 14th.
December 15-...
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Also with Stevie Wonder, Paul Simon, Kenny Rogers, James Ingram, Tina Turner, Billy Joel, Diana Ross, Dionne Warwick, Willie Nelson, Al Jarreau, Bruce Springstine, Steve Perry, Daryl Hall, Huey Lewis, Cindy Lauper, Kim Carnes, Bob Dylan, ray Charles
human rights
we are the world
all-star performance
ethiopia famine relief
added by Cinders
Source: (c) United Nations
added by Cinders
Source: TheChildHealthSite.Com
added by OneRedonkChick
Source: samborghini_
added by Cinders
Source: TheVeteransSite
December 1st is World AIDS Day, which makes it the perfect hari to begin Human Rights Awareness bulan here on Fanpop.

Now the disease itself is not a human rights concern. True, the HIV epidemic is devastating, but we can't charge the virus with human rights violations. What is a human rights concern is the lack of preventative measures, as well as treatment for those infected, the world over. Secondly, the stigma of being HIV positive is still a sumber of major discrimination. And that is definitely a human rights concern.

In order to help with the discrimination problem, the World AIDS hari Official...
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added by Cinders
Source: Csíki Foundation

Rachel Corrie was a 23 tahun old college student and human rights activist from Olympia, Washington. On March 16, 2003, she was run over and killed sejak an Israeli military bulldozer in Rafah, Gaza, while defending a Palestinian utama from demolition. A gifted writer, Rachel left behind a series of diaries and emails from an early age which were crafted into a play sejak Alan Rickman and Katharine Viner. While the United States government in its annual human rights lapor describes Rachel as "a US citizen peace activist" and designates her as a human rights observer, this is often obscured...
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Author's Note: I would like anda all to know that this task was exceedingly difficult. First of all, I narrowed it down to ten in link and that was hard enough. But I decided to organize them into a senarai like this, and that was tremendously hard. All of the people on this senarai beat out heavy competition, and I respect the one in tenth place as much as I respect the one in first place. There was a lot of switching around. Also, this senarai is incredibly biased.

 Carter goes to his knees during a confrontation between Inkatha and ANC fighters in Alexander township, Sandton, South Africa. An ANC supporter uses a dustbin for shelter behind him. foto sejak Guy Adams
Carter goes to his knees during a confrontation between Inkatha and ANC fighters in Alexander township, Sandton, South Africa. An ANC...
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added by Cinders
Source: UNICEF, November 2005