Jackson Rippner Club
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posted by VintageSmile
 Jackson and Leese
Jackson and Leese
As anda may know, we don't get much backround on Jackson apart from the still tidak dijawab question;
"Did he really kill his parents!?" But aside from that, what can we understand about Rippner?"

1. He really doesn't like liars. Yep, thats right, the irony huh! Ofcourse he never really lied, but he didn't exactly tell the truth when he first meet Leese. Then he ends up playing 'rough' with Lisa because of an innocent untruth...
2. He speacialises in goverment overthrows a.k.a Helps manage to assassinate political citizens. Yep, Jacksons got blood on his hands even if he is a lousy shot.
3. He's...
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