jedigal1990 Club
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added by jedigal1990
Hello bud. I wanted to take the chance to write to anda a short poem that is based on how I feel about anda as well as our friendship. =) I hope anda enjoy it.

When anda think of this wonderful person, anda think of "Star Wars" right? Well, there is lebih to this wonderful person than that. Whenever I feel atau see the name, I picture a young friend who is very nice, kind, generous, and always ready to help those who are needed.

This friend is lebih than just your avarage girl. This friend is lebih of an Angel and helper for those on here. She is always...
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added by jedigal1990
added by jedigal1990
added by jedigal1990
Source: my camera, Disney hollywood studios
added by jedigal1990
Source: my camera, Disney hollywood studios starwars weekends Dave Filoni
video created sejak 3glitteringrose3 on youtube. Okay i Cinta this song and this tunjuk so i decided to add it also lately i have been in a rough spot with animefan and this is my (fun) explanation of why i was Berlakon like that okay hope anda enjoy
xmen evolution
thats what girls do
added by jedigal1990
added by jefferyw52
added by jedigal1990
Source: Ashely Eckstein and me (my camera) at sww
added by jefferyw52
added by jedigal1990
Source: sww ray Parks (my camera)
added by demon_wolf
added by GalindaGirl
Source: Me for making them, jedigal1990 for inspring me to put them on
added by jedigal1990
Source: starwars weekends, my camera, Dee Bradly Baker
 i just Cinta this ahsoka painting galindagirl made and jedigal loves it too
i just love this ahsoka painting galindagirl made and jedigal loves it too
hei its me! so before i alih to arizona tomorrow i want to make an artikel menunjukkan everything that i like about my kegemaran fanpopper, jedigal1990 who whenever i create a Facebook account i will friend on facebook. enjoy!!!!
Everything I like about jedigal1990
1. The fact that we both have lots of things in common like bintang wars, hating twilight crap everywhere on fanpop, liking ahsoka tano, liking x-men, and liking Disney of course.

2. There is just something about michelle that makes me want to talk atau chat with her every hari i dont know why.

3. the fact that we are both partners in crime to...
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added by demon_wolf
I made this for anda Michelle. Hope that anda like it. :D
for anda michelle
I DID NOT MAKE THIS VIDEO jedigal anda might have been there to see this
bintang wars weekeds
bintang wars weekends 2010