Justice League Who is the real leader of the justice league?

JohnFox999 posted on Oct 02, 2011 at 08:26PM
Personally I think they are all equal.

Justice League 11 balas

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hampir setahun yang lalu Pomping said…
I think it's Batman. Not just because he's my favourite but because every time he barks orders, it's like no one has the guts to question, even Superman follows. But yes, it would be nice to think all of them as equal. But I also think that it's good they have a leader or the "Senior Members" as Fire addressed Flash, so they'd be coordinated, like how J'onn and Mister Terrific deploy them on missions. :D
hampir setahun yang lalu guilmon2149 said…
big smile
there are two leaders really, batman and superman, (but mainly batman)
hampir setahun yang lalu ShadowYJ said…
I don't know. I have always thought that batman was leader
hampir setahun yang lalu Mixedgirl said…
Batman and J'onn seem like the leaders. And some times Superman has something to say.
hampir setahun yang lalu kimlayer said…
Superman is the Team leader whether we like it or not.
hampir setahun yang lalu rosedawson1 said…
I think it is shared between batman, superman and wonder woman.
hampir setahun yang lalu TheRealBatman said…
Um. Me! I'm obviously the leader. Superman is just retarded(and he owes me $10,000) aquaman is gay, flash is too fast, green arrows busy with his affair with black canary, green lantern is with his space pals too much, martian manhunter has his hands full with "HELLO MEAGAN!!!", and Wonder Woman doesn't wear pants. Which leaves me (and some other bazaar superheroes, but I'm batman.)
hampir setahun yang lalu kHeman said…
In the old continuity, Superman was the leader. But in the new 52 continuity, Batman seems to be the leader of the Justice League.
hampir setahun yang lalu BruceWayne0110 said…
Real Leader? They see themselves as equals. More than likely it's who ever knows or has more experience in the situation that they're in. Batman is usually the one to take lead more than others but he's more of a lone wolf type. Superman is recognized as a leader simply because he's the toughest of them all but you have to look past that. Superman is usually the one to try and avoid conflict with his enemies but when it comes to saving the team. He's counted on mostly. I've seen J'onn take lead as well but if they had to decide they would vote Superman. The reason is because though Batman knows more at times he's too headstrong and doesn't really like authority and also he doesn't really trust anyone. Superman sees the "GOOD" in everyone Batman sees the "BAD". Batman is my favorite so I would say Batman is BOSS and Superman is LEADER..
hampir setahun yang lalu BruceWayne0110 said…
I could also see J'onn being the Leader..Flash is too Naive in my eyes, Wonder Woman is too confrontational, Green Lantern is too "black and white" Batman lacks trust and Superman is most vulnerable of the group. All are bad characteristics to have as a leader so I think that's why they depend on each other. I seen each JLA member save the day for the rest countless times... Equals ALL LEAD!
hampir setahun yang lalu jlmoviesucks said…
I think it is Superman, but that is quite true that they are equals. I think Wonder Woman should be the leader.