I just finished Kanon I loved the ending it was so sweet I watched Kanon when I was younger but never finished it so I decided to finish what I started, when I was younger it was only in sub but now it's in dub so at least I didn't have to read a lot and use the pause button nonstop
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I'm watching Kanon for the 3rd time now. It really grows on you. Anyway if anda haven't seen it anda can get the whole series at amazon for 13.99. And check out the Punynari's Island Adventures, it's in the pautan section. Many of the scenes in Kanon were taken from real places in Japan. This site shows both the real and kanon pictures. It's a great site. Also check out Ranma 1/2, it's hilarious and really likable.
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wow thats a lot, an i know a friend obssed with Anime haha lol, i feel bad for the blue haired cousin, she was so sad an depressed when her mom got hurt....i probaly have done the same thing,
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Bad news guys! Voice Actress Kawakami Tomoko (the voice actress of Sayuri Kurata) Passes Away on June 9, 2011. Cause of death: Ovarian cancer
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