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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 Go read this artikel about Maria, please and thank you.
Go read this article about Maria, please and thank you.
MARIA'S turn!

My kegemaran things about her:

1) She's so hard-working
- Maria is often pretty stressed out about school, as are we all, I'd assume. She works so hard to be great, and I know it pays off because from what I've heard, she's basically Hermione when it comes to intelligence and schoolwork. And even in her free time she makes an effort to be there for her Friends whenever they need her, and I feel like she definitely deserves lebih time to relax!!

2) She's very smart
- Absolutely. I haven't actually read any of her schoolwork, but again, from what I've heard, she's very intelligent. It also shows in the way she's on the LPF and in the way she talks and behaves. She's very practical as well as book smart. She knows how to be patient, she has common sense, and she also knows a shitload of school stuff none of us probably do. So hands down, Maria is incredibly smart!

3) She's modest
- No one would ever mistake Maria for an arrogant person. I Cinta that about her. She never asks for anything lebih than she deserves, she never behaves selfishly and she never, ever demands too much credit for the things she does for other people. I doubt she even believes us when we say her fanart and icon-making skills are insanely epic. I wish she would believe us, though. She's a wonderful person and she also deserves to feel like one.

 One of the many Pelakon wanita to play you!!
One of the many Pelakon wanita to play you!!

4) She's so caring
- My God, the times I've gone to talk to Maria, and the times she's made me feel better. She is that kind of friend who anda can always depend on, and who also inspires anda to be a good friend to them. She has done so much for me, and I'm sure for everyone else here, too, and I would do a lot for her, too, because she deserves a huge amount of amazing Friends for all the great things she does daily.

5) She's open-minded
- Maria has not once judged me. At least not openly. And she could have, for all the things I've berkata and done, she could judge me big time, but she never has. And I appreciate that so much. She is just so understanding. She doesn't judge, she doesn't judge a person based on a first meet and I think that takes a lot intelligence and self-control and I Cinta that about her!

6) She's talented
- Well, seven hells, absolutely! As I already mentioned, her ikon-ikon and fanarts are AMAZING. I am especially a sucker for the me/Robbchard ikon-ikon she makes for me ;D As well as her banners, they are amazing!!! Seriously, Maria has always been amazing at icons, but now she's gotten EVEN better. It's insane!!

 Maria = Snow, basically <3
Maria = Snow, basically <3

7) She's selfless
- This has a lot to do with being modest, but Maria is literally the least selfish person I've met and I Cinta that because I do not meet selfless people very often. Most people don't even remember what being selfish means. She does things for her Friends and her loved ones and she doesn't just ask for something in return, and if she does, she isn't rude about it. She puts others first, and that's awesome.

8) She's an awesome friend
- Damn right. I think a lot of people here, especially Nic, can prove this. Maria is the kind of friend anyone would be lebih than lucky to have. She's always there for anda when anda need her, and she is such fun to talk to! She often cheers me up, too. I remember one time I was really down about a certain thing, and she made me this Robb ikon that just made my entire hari (of course the sight of him always does, but anda get it <3333). I think my point is that Maria is an epic friend. End of story.

9) She's funny
- I Cinta her sense of humor! She may not be as sarcastic as Nic is, but I see sarcasm here and there and I Cinta it. She's often made me smile and I think that if we all ever meet both her and Nic in real life, it's gonna be a pretty funny experience, no matter what else ends up happening.

10) She's trustworthy
- Seriously, the things I've told Maria.... she could easily have told everyone anything I've told her, but she never has. And I always knew that she wouldn't. This is all a part of her being a great friend, but yeah. She is really trustworthy and I think most people here have talked to her about something a bit lebih confidential than the average conversation, and I'm sure she will have tried to help, atau at least listen.
So, all in all, Maria, you're epic, and always stay the same!! Cinta anda <3

My headcanons for you:
Actress I imagine anda looking like: Lea Michele
#1 actress to play you: Lea Michele
#1 character/actor ship: Derek Shepherd/Darren Criss
Character you're most like personality-wise & why: Snow White from OUAT. Why? Because of ALL the things I've mentioned above. Plus your bravery! Seriously, anda are like a lot of characters, but Snow is definitely the #1 for me :)
You/Darren:Time for the three headcanons!
- Gotta go with the Cinderella story here, it's your thing!! So anda going to the castle, meeting Darren, running away, him finding anda and anda two falling in Cinta and living happily ever after together!
- I can see anda two being in some sort of a musical together. Idk, I can imagine anda both living in New York and just falling in love, and there'd be a lot of songs about Cinta and all that. And maybe a few dance numbers, too, Glee style ;D
- I can see anda two being childhood sweethearts, and as anda grow up, anda slowly fall in Cinta with each other for real until suddenly, when you're in high school, anda realize that you've never wanted anything but each other, and BOOM, love!!

 Maria's man!!
Maria's man!!

Okayy, time to say your kegemaran things about Maria!!
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