Mario and Luigi Tinjauan-Tinjauan
pilihan peminat: A new ikon
Ended hampir setahun yang lalu
pilihan peminat: A new banner
Ended hampir setahun yang lalu
pilihan peminat: Mario's Fundementals
Mario&# 39; s Fundeme- ntals |
pilihan peminat: A platformer
pilihan peminat: Big Mouth is so cute!
pilihan peminat: Yes, he gets plenty of respect.
pilihan peminat: Wendy O. Koopa
pilihan peminat: Princess Rosalina! They look awesome together in Super Mario Galaxy!
pilihan peminat: He's one of the most humblest guys =)
pilihan peminat: I loved it! It's one of the best titles ever =D!
pilihan peminat: Luigi of course! He's way lebih valuable to Mario than any stupid treasure!
pilihan peminat: No way! He's one of the most humblest guys that exist.
pilihan peminat: Yes! He's Mario's brother and partner! I don't see why he should be left out!
pilihan peminat: Yes! They're both awesome!