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added by DemolitionVenom
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added by mcrkilljoygirl
posted by mcrluv122996
"you should have seen me as a chick. i looked hot as a chick!"
~Gerard Way

"it's like the drag fairy coming & saying 'what would anda like to do?' 'um yeah, karate'"
~Gerard Way

"Are anda on our side & anda want to be different,or are anda on their side & want to throw a football at our heads?"
~Gerard Way

"We like to kidnap them in a van, and leave them somewhere dangerous. SURPRISE!
~Gerard Way

"Well, I'm half Italian, so last tahun on warped tour i got this really good tan and I was like, bummer.”
~Gerard Way

“I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things.”
~Gerard Way

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posted by mcrluv122996
We Are The MCRmy This is for those who cried to the Ghost Of You. For those who felt empowered during Famous Last Words. For those who felt they could relate to I'm Not Okay. For those who want to start a riot because of Teenagers. For those who are Demoliton Lovers. For those who Killed All Their Friends. This is for those who got Welcomed To The Black Pararde. For those who aren't Afraid To Keep On Living. Who aren't Afraid To Walk This World Alone. So lets Crash The Cemetery Gates with heads held high and MCR in out hearts because we are the MCRmy. For anyone who loves Gerard no matter what...
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added by mcrluv122996
added by sahian5
added by sahian5
added by sahian5
added by mcrkilljoygirl
added by sahian5
added by XxMCRKilljoyXx
Source: Google imej
added by fallingmelody
added by ronamae_29
added by mcrkilljoygirl
added by mcrkilljoygirl
added by mcrkilljoygirl
added by sahian5
added by sahian5
posted by Dawni696
Gerard Bleached his hair again, so poeple are freaking out, and EVERYONE is talking about it. I'm sure a few poeple even think its tragic. But the hair isn't what it's about, OKAY so the hair is kinda a big deal, but the MCRmy know that the hair isn't what won thousands of poeples' hearts. The hair isn't what saved Gerard when he was in bad shape. The hair didn't sing the songs atau write the comic books. MCR's Muzik won poeples' hearts, MCR saved Gerard when he was in bad shape, Gerard sang the songs, and Gerard Wrote the comic books. So to all the Demolition Lovers, to all the Killjoys, and to all the soldiers in the MCRmy; We are the kids from yesterday, we cheered for sweet revenge, we Cinta Ray, Mikey, Franky, and Gerard. The MCRmy called, and we came. We are calling you, will anda awnser the call?
gerard way
chemical romance
mikey way
frank iero
ray toro
danger days: the true lives of the fabulous killjoys