Michael and Janet Jackson Club
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added by janulinecka
Tired of injustice
Tired of the schemes
The lies are disgusting
So what does it mean
Kicking me down
I got to get up
As jacked as it sounds
The whole system sucks

Peek in the shadow
Come into the light
If anda tell me I'm wrong
Then anda better prove you're right
you're sellin' out souls but
I care about mine
I've got to get stronger
And I won't give up the fight
With such confusions
don't it make anda wanna
Your bash abusin' victimize
within the scheme
You try to cope with every
lie they scrutinize
Somebody please have mercy
'Cause I just can't take it
Stop pressurin'...
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posted by aitypw
The Death of Michael Jackson in the morning of June 25, 2009 at his utama in Los Angeles made their millions of peminat-peminat around the world to "freeze".
Initially, nobody thought that the pop legend, the turbulent life, the most numerous sales records, which had long since surpassed 900 million, and a property was no longer outside the imagination, "died" a strong dose of tranquilizers Demerol, which he gave his doctor Dr. Conrad Murray. The drug is usually administered after major surgery. The Jackson got the Demerol and demonstrated a short time later, the doctor tried to reintroduce a saat injection...
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added by janulinecka
added by janulinecka
added by janulinecka
added by janulinecka
added by janulinecka
added by janulinecka
added by sugarcr33m
added by janulinecka
added by janulinecka
added by caligurl16
added by House34
added by sugarcr33m
Source: ebay.com
added by janulinecka
added by LeggoMyGreggo
utama Filem