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added by steph86
added by CrazyForCamGX
added by steph86
added by steph86
added by steph86
added by steph86
posted by steph86
The women's division is seeing a revolution in the WWE. Female wrestlers are getting lebih time to work, the green light to push themselves in the ring, and just treated better overall. Many peminat-peminat are excited for this.

But look back at the old diva division. People complain about the short matches and sloppy workers. What usually gets overlooked is that this was an era that did not give all women fair opportunities. A woman like Trish Stratus atau Kelly Kelly is meant to be the centerpiece in such an era. Nothing against these women, but female wrestlers often just get used to put these women over...
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added by shaneoohmac13
added by steph86
Source: Instagram
added by steph86
Source: Instagram
added by steph86
Source: Facebook
added by steph86
Source: Instagram
added by steph86
Source: Instagram
added by steph86
Source: Instagram
added by steph86
Source: Instagram
added by steph86
Source: Instagram
added by steph86
added by steph86
Source: wwe.com